

Is it ok for boys to use makeup?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Personally I woulden't. I don't think it would matter if you just covered up a pimple or something. Just don't get carried away or you will just look bad.

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Q: Is it ok for boys to use makeup?
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well..frOm da pharmacii..wy nOt....!!rememba peOple..dOnt use 2 muj fOundatiOn..OK..!!

Is Covergirl makeup ok for a 14 year old to use?

It is perfectly safe for a 14 year old to use. I started using covergirl when I was 12.

Girls put makeup on boys?

This a statement not a question.

Good dares for boys?

i dare you to wear makeup

What age is ok to put makeup on?

I developed the love for makeup at a very early age but I would start getting into makeup at 13 and gradually build your skills and your makeup collection when you age :)

Is it ok to wear makeup to school?

You should only wear makeup to school if your parents approve and it is allowed by the school.

Since it's better to put on less makeup to attract teenage boys is it best to put no makeup on?

No. What turns off teenage boys is when you look like you don't know how to wear makeup. If you have too much makeup on, you wear shades that don't look good on you or you have bad application technique, they don't like that. If you wear attractive makeup, boys like that. And at the other end of the scale, they don't like no makeup at all either. Check it out: If your makeup looks like you won't attract teenage boys. But if it looks like, you'll attract lots of them.

Is it ok for a 14 year-old girl to makeup?

I don't see why not, just not too much or too much heavy makeup

Thing which girls do once in lifetime and boys do every day?

a women put on makeup everyday and a men put on make once a year for hallloween.

What is eye makeup?

Eye makeup is makeup for your eyes. You can use eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

Do teen boys like ages 12-15 prefer girl without makeup . Or with makeup?

It differs, I preferred my ex-girlfriend WITH makeup on, but I think that my current girlfriend is much prettier without it