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do you mean the shell? It is DEFINITELY not ok for turtles to have a weak shell. softshell syndrome is a major killer of young turtles, especially aquatics. Its real name is Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) and it is caused by poor diet and/or insufficient lighting. In order to stay alive, turtles require a certain amount of calcium in the bloodstream. If they do not get enough, calcium is taken from the bones to maintain the right ratio in the bloodstream. Over time, the bones are weakened. If the shell feels soft, it means that the bony structure which holds the keratin shields (outer shell) rigidly in place is so badly compromised that you can feel the damage from the outside. In other words, the turtle's bones have softened, making the protein layer (shell) seem soft.

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Q: Is it ok that turtles for turtles to have a weak shield?
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Any other types of turtles would be ok. Just don't put two males together. Geckomaster

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