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Spotting at 25 weeks is alarming.Call your doctor asap and have yourself check.Bedrest is advisable, no toilet privileges, no coitus and etc.

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Q: Is it ok to be spotting at 25 weeks when you can still feel the baby move?
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I am 21 weeks into my pregnancy and i still can't feel my baby move!

Can you feel the baby kick at 11 weeks?

No. Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

Can babies kick when you're 16 weeks pregnant?

Yes, the baby (fetus) start moving at 7 weeks but you can not feel movements until your are between 16 to 20 weeks. At 12 weeks your baby still too small for you to feel the kicks, specially if it's your 1st pregnancy. Cangrat!!!

I feel pregnant but seen spoting blood.can i be pregnant?

Yes. Spotting can indicate implantation of the fetus into the uterine wall (usually between 3-5 weeks pregnant). Spotting can also indicate the start of a miscarriage. BUT many many pregnancies have had spotting (and even heavier bleeding) and still been successful.

Can you see or feel your belly move at 3 weeks pregnant?

It will feel completely normal. At 3 weeks past conception (which doctors call 5 weeks pregnant) your baby will be 1mm long. There will be no changes in your body that you can see or feel. In a couple of weeks, a trained doctor will be able to feel a change in your uterus, but you will probably not be able to feel it.

Will the mother feel the baby move at approximately primigravida or multigravida?

In primigravida, the baby will have its quickening at 20th weeks but for multigravida its earlier,at 18th weeks you can already feel the baby moving.

Can you feel the baby at 5 weeks pregnant?


Can your baby feel you in 8 weeks?


Can you feel your baby move at 8 weeks?

Yes, it's definitely possible, no matter what anyone says. My midwife felt my little girl kick at 10 weeks, because she knew where to push down and what not. She's a strong little baby at 20 weeks right now but my boyfriend still hasn't felt it, but it can take a little time for a casual outsider to feel it. Don't doubt yourself, if you think it's your baby, it probably is. :)

When pregnant can you feel the baby move at 12 weeks?

Most women start to feel the baby move around 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If a person is very thin, they may feel it before.

Can you feel your baby move at 12 weeks?

The average time to be able to begin to feel a baby move is around 20 weeks. It is highly possible though for some women to feel the baby move as early as 12 weeks, especially if they are very thin or if it isn't the woman's first pregnancy.

When can a baby feel?

a baby can feel as soon as its born remember that they are still like you and me