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Q: Is it ok to feed my guinea pig green cabbage?
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Is it good to feed a guinea pig cabbage?

Yes! Guinea pigs LOVE veggies of any kind as long as its green (the darker the green the better)

What can you feed both rabbits and guinea pigs?

You can feed them both guinea pig food. Don't feed the guinea pig the rabbit food or it will be sick. Rabbits are ok on guinea pig food.

How do you use Guinea pig in a sentence?

I need to feed my guinea pig.

Can you feed a guinea pig chinchila food?

No, get guinea pig food for guinea pigs.

Can you feed your guinea pig canned green beans?

No, No, No, only feed them fresh veg and fruit. And the usual pellets and hay.

Can you feed your guinea pig muskmelon?

Yes, that's okay for them to eat.

Can you feed your guinea pig kale?

yes.kale is a good treat for your guinea pig.

Can you feed your guinea pig avocados?

No. Search online, Guinea Pig Diet.

Can you feed tuna to a guinea pig?

no.. depending on the guinea pig wether they'll eat it or not

Why can't you give cabbage to a guinea pig?

guys forget about this question i meant why cant u give lettuce to a guinea pig

Can you feed guinea pig potatoes?


Can you feed a Guinea pig meat?

No, Guinea pigs are vegetarians.