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your dog will probaly get sick if you feed it that much a day. I would stick with haveing 2 dog meals a day with maybe a bone for the day. But if your dog is still a young puppy then you have to get special feeeding form the vet and she/he will tell you how much to feed it.

But i wouldn't give your dog a boiled chicken and a brown rice low fat organic dry dog food every day twice a day. your dog would probly be sick all over.

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Q: Is it ok to feed your dog boiled chicken brown rice low fat organic dry dog food every day twice a day?
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Do white chickens lay a brown egg periodacally?

The feather color of a chicken does not affect the color of the eggs she lays. It is the breed of the hen that determines the egg color. A chicken that lays white eggs does not drop a brown egg every now and then either, a white egg layer will always lay white eggs. I have several white Araucana hens who lay Lavender colored eggs and a Black Cochin hen who lays light brown eggs (not black eggs)

What are the the many things chicken lovers like?

Chicken lovers love chicken for a fact. They love it so much they eat it for every meal of the day. Chicken lovers love chicken so much they actually made a lolly pop shaped like a roasted chicken and i think you know what the flavor is. Yup, it's chicken sweat and spicey.Some one i know is a chicken lover. The person which we will call Michel. Which is not her real name. Michel loves chicken and every part of the chicken. Yes, every part. The whole chicken.The other foods which chicken lovers eat are the following: Chicken candy, Chicken gum, chicken watermelon juice, chicken pot pie, chicken mango juice, chicken ice cream, chicken crackers and much more!so, if you are a chicken lover you already know of all these things. If you are not remember this: say away from chicken lovers they are weirdos.(Not to be mean but, it's true)

How many eggs do healthy Isa browns chicken lay per day?

You can expect about 5 to 7 eggs per week from an Isa brown hen. The ISA brown hen is a hybrid hen specifically produced to have a high rate of lay. They average 300 eggs per year in the first year and can maintain good rate of lay in the second year.

What happens if you defrost chicken in the microwave for too long?

If you defrost chicken in the microwave for too long, it will actually begin to cook. When defrosting chicken in the microwave, it is a good idea to check the progress every five to ten minutes.

What was robot chicken?

Robot Chicken is a 10 minute tv show. It shows random things. On every last episode of the season, the last sketch always has one of the producers in it. I have seen all of season 4 and 3.

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Does every chicken lay eggs?

no not every chicken does.

What is the duration of Chicken Every Sunday?

The duration of Chicken Every Sunday is 1.57 hours.

When was Chicken Every Sunday created?

Chicken Every Sunday was created on 1949-01-18.

Is iodine in organic tobacco?

no !not every kinds of organic tobacco have iodine

Is palm oil organic or inorganic?

Palm oil is an organic compound since every oil is organic

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What part of the Leghorn Chicken's egg is white?

The multilayer hard shell of the egg of a White Leghorn chicken is white. The inside is the same color as every other chicken's egg. The shell is white because the Leghorn does not have the color genes to have blue shells or brown applied to the outer shell layers.

Why does it take 450 liters of water to make one hard boiled egg?

Because you don't get the egg from nowhere. To get an egg you start by growing corn, which needs water, then you feed the corn to a chicken, who needs water, then you have the people and machines used in every intermediate step who also need water. And at the end of that you have spent 450 liter of water to get a boiled egg.

How much does it cost to ferment chicken manure into organic fertilizer?

The method of chicken manure fermentation organic fertilizer can be flexibly selected according to the output and purpose. For family fertilization, the yield is generally not large, and the traditional fermentation method can be used to make chicken manure organic fertilizer. The production of chicken manure organic fertilizer is for sale, and the output is large. It is most suitable to choose an organic fertilizer production line and automatic processing. Traditional fermentation method: The traditional fermentation method, that is, the natural accumulation fermentation method, requires the use of: organic fertilizer raw materials - chicken manure, fermented bacteria, corn stover accessories, no corn stover, peanut shells or bran. After preparing the required raw materials, first check the water content of the chicken manure, grab the chicken manure, and observe whether the water drips between the fingers. The moisture content of chicken manure is suitable, which is conducive to better fermentation of chicken manure. Mix chicken manure with starter and auxiliary materials, pile it up in a place where sunlight can be fully irradiated, cover with plastic film to avoid excessive evaporation of water, turn it manually every few days, and it can be completed in 3-4 months. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time. , the odor is easy to emit, causing environmental pollution and nutrient loss. But the investment is very small, there are not many chicken manure, starter and auxiliary materials, but the time cost is too high. Organic fertilizer equipment production line automatically produces chicken manure organic fertilizer: The materials to be prepared are the same as those of traditional fermentation. It is necessary to use organic fertilizer production equipment. The starter, chicken manure and auxiliary materials are stirred evenly with stirring equipment, composted into a compost heap, fermented with a trough turner or fermentation tank, and fermented with fermentation equipment. Key operation, no need for manual participation, and then transported by belt conveyor to crusher for crushing, and then transported to screening machine, organic fertilizer granulator machine, drum drying equipment, screening, drying and other processes. The organic fertilizer equipment production line produces chicken manure organic fertilizer. The automatic processing saves labor input, shortens the time cost, and the processed fertilizer meets the organic fertilizer standard and is beautiful. However, the capital cost is large, and the two methods of alcoholic chicken manure organic fertilizer have their own advantages and can be selected at will.

Which element is considered the foundation for making organic compounds?

Carbon is fundamental to all organic compounds. Organic compounds contain one or more C-H or C-C bonds. All organic compounds contain carbon, but not all carbon-containing compounds are organic, such as carbon dioxide.Carbon is the foundation for making organic compounds. Every organic contains carbon. Hydrogen is also present in every organic compound.

Is every molecule in a living system an organic compound?

"Not every molecule in a living system is an organic compound." This statement is correct according to the definition of organic compounds as compounds containing carbon. For instance, water is a major component of living systems but is not "organic".

What is part of every organic molecule?
