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Yes, but they should not be expected to survive solely sustained by it. I also recommend mixing it first with water as printed on the box or canister.

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Q: Is it ok to give a 3 month old baby nonfat dry milk instead of formula?
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about how much does it cost for a months worth of formula for a six month old baby who is bottle fed

How much does it cost for a month's worth of formula for a 6 month old baby who is bottle fed?

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How much does it cost to buy a month's worth of formula for a 6-month old baby who is bottle fed?

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Emaciation. If you put that much salt in baby formula, the baby wouldn't drink it and would starve.

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When the baby is six month old.

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2ounces or 3ounces if he/she is still hungry

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Then re-introduce breastfeeding again or ask doctor for a milk formula for your baby.

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No it would be best if you used baby formula milk instead.

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This depends on what they baby is being fed with. If the baby is breast fed, it is normal that i doesn't' have stool for up to 10 days. If the baby is given formula, than it could mean that the current formula doesn't matches your baby's needs. It needs to be changed with a different one.

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We are usually talking from about $10 for the cheap brands to max. $30. For a 6 month old baby, it would probably cost $15-$25.