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No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

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Q: Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?
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Swallowing semen is not dangerous as long as you are positive your partner has no sexually transmittable diseases.

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If you mean semen, it's harmless and many do,.

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No it can give you AIDS according to the pakistan scientists watchout

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There's no problem if you swallow ones semen or your own semen if you have diabetes Unless you mix it with sugar or something sweet can be attributed to high sugar level

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Assuming you are both consenting adults, there's no danger. Semen is mostly protein, and your stomach will digest it. However, if you have a cut in your mouth or bleeding gums, and your partner has a sexually transmitted disease, there is a chance of getting an STD.

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It is not ok just as it is not ok to mix urine with face lotion. A myth is emerging. Myth that semen is good and healthy to eat or apply.

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Is it ok to swalow cum is it medically good for your health?

it is OK to swallow it wont harm your body in any way. As far as medical benefits no it doesn't have any its simply just the sperm and the semen which is like sugar but it is just to keep the sperm going, in the event that it had to live to fertilize an egg.

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yeah it is, but you have to know how to do it

Is it ok to swallow supermints?

yes. But be cautiaus.

Is it ok to swallow your own secretion?

I guess so. =)

What is the status of Chris Brown and the fact that his girlfriend may have given him herpes?

ok everyone lets get this straight THEY DO NOT HAVE HERPES GOD