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It's different for everyone and can be a hit or miss. If it helps it's usually with the mental aspect. Not the physical.

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i am not exactly sure but i dont thnik it would be a good idea. i know they give you a pill to lower your heart rate. Adderall increases your heart rate! hmmm

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Q: Is it ok to take adderall while going through suboxone withdrawl?
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If You take the suboxone early Friday morning do yall think it would be ok to take oxycotion are lortab that next morning if you have no suboxones and wont get any till monday?

Please hear me out as a recovering pain killer addict and current suboxone patient... I am going to go out on a short limb here and say that I am almost certain you are in some sort of recovery program yourself if you are taking suboxone and if not you are probably an addict who needs one. The answer to your question is most certainly no. Especially if you are in recovery and properly taking suboxone for that reason under the supervison of a doctor. God knows it sucks to go through wthdraw even for a few hours much less a couple of days but I promise you if you can get through till Monday without relapsing it will be better for you phsyically and psychologically. If suboxone is all you are currently taking then your withdrawl will be very mild compared to the withdrawl of Oxycontin or lortab. It is no were as bad as you remember and if you stay strong I promise you can make it till Monday. Another problem I wish to address is why you ran out of your suboxone early... since I do not know the cercustances I will not speculate on that but if you happen to run out because you may not be taking it correctly well be very careful with that too my friend, because that can cause lots of problems ranging from getting kicked off your suboxone doctor to gettng into the habit of just using suboxone as a filler for when you run out of the narcotics you really want. I hope this helped and I am sure this is not the answer you were hoping for but I promise you, this is the right one. Good luck.

What happens if you suddenly stop taking suboxone?

i am going for surgury and am on suboxone. how long before surgury do i need to stop taking it if at all?

You failed for opiates for your iop class and you only take suboxone why did it come up as an opiate?

Suboxone is an "opioid." If someone sets his machine up to detect suboxone, it's going to list it as an opiate.

Should your niece take adderall everyday including weekends and would this help avoid the side effects every monday?

If your niece has been prescribed Adderall and is taking it from Monday thru Friday but not on Saturday and Sunday, then she is going through the beginning of Adderall withdrawal every weekend. This can be prevented by taking Adderall 7 days a week. However, you should consult with your physician as to whether this regime is appropriate for your niece.

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Can you take Strattera and suboxone together?

I wouldn't suggest it. But the fact that you're asking leads me to believe that you have been using Adderall in combination with an Opiate. If that combination works for you, then Suboxone would not be much different. Both drugs, however, increase your blood pressure significantly and can cause serious long-term problems. Then again you know that if you have a reason to take Suboxone. Be careful and avoid taking them together if possible. And try to eat healthy if you don't want permanent Hypertension! This is a very dangerous and addictive combination, do not try this under any circumstances! The effects on your heart could be fatal. I somewhat agree and disagree, I have been prescribed both by not only my doctor in Maine but since I moved to Georgia my doctor down here kept me on the same. but at the same time it is true if you have an addiction problem which is more than likely why your on the suboxone. Than you do need to be careful if the adderrall is not prescribed and being watched by a doctor. Alot of drug abuse doctors do try to find an underlying cause for the addicts abuse like add,adhd,depression.... Remember that everyone is going to give you a million different answers and please be careful. I have personally used suboxone and I currently am prescribed adderall. First off you should be aware that adderall is an upper, like speed or meth, but not to the severe degree. Second, Suboxone is mainly prescribed for opiate withdrawl... so you are looking at a downer. Taking them together will actually negate any "high" you are trying to attain, since suboxone will bind to opiate receptors in the brain causeing you to lose your high. NEVER take Suboxone unless you are trying to quit using drugs. It is very effective as an alternative to Methadone in treating heroin addiction, or opiate addiction. I hope that helped. Yes, you can take adderall and suboxone together. I am presribed both and have had no adverse reactions. P.S. My prescriptions are legal, so if you are mixing Subs. and Adderall you would be better off asking a pharmacist

Doe your eys dialate on suboxone?

No, all opioid drugs, agonists and partial agonists alike, cause constriction of the pupil. The only time the pupil will dialate is when the person is going through withdrawls.

What happens if you take Oxycontin while going through suboxone withdrawals?

No, you will not go into withdrawls, however, it would be a waste of Diluadid since Suboxone is an opiod-blocker and keeps you from getting high off of any opiate. But if you were taking Dilaudid and then immediately began taking Suboxone, THAT would cause you to go into withdrawls.

Does toradol react METHADONE?

I was just in the hospital having my 3rd c-section and I've been on methadone for 3 years now and I was givin toradol in my IV and it made me feel like I was going through withdrawl almost instantly