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Q: Is it ok to take tramadol when taking madopar?
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Can you take tramadol and clonazepam together?

It is fine to take the drugs clonazepam and tramadol together. The side effects of the drugs will increase, so caution should be made.

Is it ok to take one Aleve if you took one tramadol 50mg?

Yes they can but if you know what's good for you pls stay away from tramadol, this drug has made my life a nightmare. Yeah it works for the pain but the withdrawl symptoms that comes when you stop taking it are pure hell!

Can you take ephedrine and tramadol and diclofenic?

hi i am on tramdol and diclofenic and i seem ok on them both. itake 6tramadol aday aswell as 3to 6 diclofenic .. i would ask medical person for advice on taking ephedrine also as these tablets are quite powerfull..tramadol can also be adictive also so be i said i am on 600mg per day of tramadol and 150mg to 300mg of diclofenic . i seem to be i get twinges when im resting in bed my legs and arms mainly so i take quinine sulphate for that...

Valium and tramadol safe to take at the same time?

its ok but only low dose

Is it ok to take baclofen and tramadol together?

I've been taking Baclofen and Tramadol together successfully for 3 years for a muscular-skeletal disorder with no major side effects. It is hard to stop cold turkey, though. You have to tail off slowly or you can get some nasty side effects if used long term.

If you are allergic to morphine can you take tramadol?

Tramadol and Tylenol (apap) are both non-narcotic pain relievers. They are not related to codeine. You should be fine.

Can you take Claritin d with trazadone?

Yes, this is Ok. Claritin does not make you as drowsy as some of the other antihistamines, so you could take it with another drug that does make you drowsy. Remember to take the tramadol just as the doctor said to. Don't take extra tramadol because it can damage the liver.

Can you mix tramadol with sinus medicine?

Tramadol is a synthetic opiate medication for pain. Sinus medication is usually made with ephedra or other decongestants. It likely would not be harmful to take both as long as there is a prescription and a physician's OK.

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Can you take tramadol and norvasc at the same time?

Yes those are OK together. Remember that tramadol is going to make you a little lightheaded and sleepy. Don't drive until you see how much it's going to affect you. It does not affect your heart or blood pressure, so the Norvasc is fine.