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Unless this is a long distance relationship, you should definitely be talking more often.

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Q: Is it ok to talk once a week with your long distance boyfriend?
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If your boyfriend stops talking to you, unless it's a long distance relationship it's virtually over so just break up with him. You can do so much better.

How do you know your long distance boyfriend is thirteen?

You don't. If it's important then you need to either trust him or get rid of him. You could ask to talk to his mom.

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Talk about something else for a bit then slowly bring up the idea of a long-distance relationship. Just say things like,"Oh, have you ever done a long-distance relationship?", or say something along the lines of ,"What are your thoughts on longdistance relationships?" Me and my boyfriend are doing something long distance and so far its working great, hope i helped. (:

What if you and your boyfriend only talk on the phone and you want to break up with him?

Talk with him, tell him you actually want to hang out in person. Unless it is a long distance relationship then this is crazy that the only communication you two have is over the phone.

What does it mean when your boyfriend doesnt talk to you and you are in a long distance relationship?

Don't jump to conclusions! He could just be busy! Try calling him...... it theres no answer, leave a voice mail.

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when we talk from a long distance the air in the atmosphere will break the voice so we cannot hear

Your boyfriend is depressed and has put distance between us?

you should talk to him , late him be or fix what is wrong with him

What do you do when you have a long distance boyfriend?

email him, on a chatting website you can talk to him,if you both have a computer with webcam you could see each other's faces and chat or you can send letters to each other

My long-distance boyfriend broke up with me on Christmas Eve because of distance. -Note- We are both shy-ish..How do I get him back?

You both should talk with each other and try to solve and discuss your problem.I am sure that you will meet again.

You are in a long distance relationship and your boyfriend rather talk to your best friend what should you do?

Break up with him and work on your grammar! Break up with him and work on your grammar! Break up with him and work on your grammar!

Should a boyfriend and girlfriend talk at least once a day?

OF COURSE!!!!!!!!! even if your across the country, you should talk at least once a day. i mean, if you dont want to talk to each other, why have the relationship anyway?

Your mom wants to move but you love your boyfriend and you dont want to move?

Talk to your mom about it, or if you truly love your boyfriend, then try a long distance relationship. Depending on how old you are, maybe your mom will let you guys visit each other when you move into your new house.