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yes because you want to look very professional when playing doctor. and you dont want to catch your patients germs

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Q: Is it ok to wear surgical mask when playing doctor?
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What is the piece the doctors wear on their mouth?

If you mean the surgical mask... it's a surgical mask.

What is a mask you could wear in a hospital?

A mask you might wear in a hospital would be a medical, or surgical, mask.

How can you protect yourself from air pollution?

Wear a surgical mask.

What is a mask that doctors use called?

A mask that a doctor uses is called a surgical or procedure mask. It covers the mouth and nose to prevent the patient from getting an infection. It also keeps the doctor from breathing in anything harmful.

What personal protective equipment would you wear if your client had pneumonia?

gloves, surgical mask, goggles

What is the surgery wear over their mouths called that nurses use?

a surgical mask

In what occupaition might you wear a mask?

clown, firefighter, painter, doctor

Can your mom wear a surgical mask to play doctor?

Parents often role-play and dress-up with their children, whether playing "hospital" or "doctor" or other occupations. Basic types of medical looking masks can be bought through any "medical equipment" company, pharmacy, or some large department stores (Walmart, K-Mart, etc.). The ear-loop mask is easy to wear and to remove and does not have any rubber bands over the hair (so nothing to get tangled). They are disposable and low cost. Both parent and child can take turns to "dress up" like a doctor might appear (but it would be best for each person to have a separate mask to prevent the spread of germs). An alternative is to hold a tissue up to your face when pretending to be a doctor. Remember, doctors do not wear masks all the time. Most of the time they talk to patients and don't wear a mask then. Some parents don't like playing dress-up though. If your mom does not want to do role-playing, you can use a large stuffed animal to be "the patient".

Is it ok to wear a surgical mask around your girlfriend?

yes it is ok if your girlfriend loves you for who you are and she also likes to wear them for fun then yes go right ahead and do so

Does joey from slipknot wear a mask or is it face paint?

When he's playing for slipknot he wears his mask but in Murderdolls he wears face paint

What equipment does a doctor wear during surgery?

A doctor generally wears the basic scrubs. But surgery they will generally wear a surgical gown. Scrub caps are worn and same with the booties that go over their shoes.

What should i wear if i work in a funeral home?

surgical mask and maybe a pair of medical grade gloves for the viewing of the body, the day before the actual burial