

Is it okay for an eleven year old to have a facebook?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Is it okay for an eleven year old to have a facebook?
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Yes because they should know about dating and love

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Yes, only if the girl is much older and you are having sex with her.

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Most teens start to masturbate at about that age-you're normal.

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If your eleven year old is responsible with his other items, then he will likely be okay with a cell phone. If he has an item like a GameBoy that he takes good care of, he should be okay with a simple cell phone.

How does an eleven year old get an account on Facebook?

You must be at least 13 years old to have an account on Facebook. Anyone who is younger than that and who has a Facebook account has lied about their age which is against Facebook's terms of service and also the COPPA guidelines. When it is discovered that they are not at least 13 years old, they will lose their account.

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if your parents are okay with it then yesAnswerI've raised six kids - I believe children should wait until both of them are 16 years old before they date - 13 and 11 are way too young.

What is the usual weight of an eleven year old girl?

90 to 100 pounds. If you're really tall and above 100 its okay

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The average age for a Japanese 11-year-old is 11 years old.

Is it wrong for a 16 year old boy to date an eleven year old girl?

YES , what type of attraction do you get from an 11 year old girl? She's not even a teenager yet , it's okay to date younger girls but that is too young.

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An eleven year old is too young to date.

How does a eleven year old boy ask a eleven year old girl out?

Simply asking would be ideal

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It is okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old