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Q: Is it okay if an eight teen year old guy dates a fifteen year old girl?
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Is it okay if a 15 year old dates a 13 year old who is not a virgin?

It is okay for a fifteen year old to date, yes. It is not okay or legal for a fifteen year old or a thirteen year old to engage in sexual contact of any sort. And, it is the fifteen year old who would likely be charged (and most likely as an adult) should that occur.

Is it wrong for a fifteen year old girl to like a 13 year old boy?

absouloutly not my dear it is completely okay.

If a guy is 27 and the girl is 19 is that okay?

That's only eight years difference.

Is it wrong for a fifteen year old boy to date a twelve year old girl?

Well if you guys really like each other and your parents say its okay,then go for it!

Should at Fifteen is it okay to feel lonely and unloved by any guys?

Yes. It is okay, and the way you are feeling is totally normal.

Is a size twelve okay for a fifteen year old girl?

The number on the tag does not matter if you are comfortable with yourself. If you are worried about health, than you should calculate your body mass index and find out if you are in the healthy range.

IS it okay for a twelve year old and fifteen year old to be in love?

I guess so.

Why is it okay for a girl to dress like boy but not okay for a boy to dress like a girl?

its society

Is it okay when a guy named grade twelve asks out a girl in grade eight?

No. He is 17-18 years old. She is 13 and below the age of consent.

Is buster a boy or a girl?

he is a boy not a girl okay

Is it okay for a fifteen year old boy to date an eighteen year old girl?

Dating is not regulated. However, any sort of sexual contact is likely to cause problems and could result in her facing criminal charges.

Is it okay for a girl to kiss another girl?

Yes it is totally fine