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Yes, as long as you replace the one you stole (LOL). Truly, it does not increase your risk of pregnancy, and was a good strategy, as long as you asked her permission.

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Q: Is it okay if i took one of my sister's birth control pills just for today because i forgot mine?
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Margaret Sanger was controversial because her work supported what?

Her activism in support of birth control was the reason she was controversial.

If you have been on birth control for years and then change can you get pregnant?

Yes, because your off birth control...

What you forget to take the pill?

If you forgot to take your normal birth control pill then this is a good time to take the MAP if you had unprotected sex.

What if you take your birth control pill 30 minutes late?

I forgot for 5 hours one time and freaked out...the pharmacist laughed at me.

Can you get pregnant if your not on birth control?

Yes. It's called birth control because it is designed to stop pregnancies.

If you forgot to take birth control one day and took two the next day and that same day had unprotected sex can you be pregnant?

I would not worry about it. Theoretically you can pregnant depending on the week you forget to take bc. But I know stories of people that stop taking birth control and don't ovulate for months! Think about all the pills they forgot.

Why are the states trying to get birth control banned?

It's probably because its messed up.. not that I know what birth control is...

You are on birth control but your periods are really weird these past two months and they never have beeen before you also have symptoms of being pregnant is this a possibility?

No it dosent always mean that you are pregnant or having symptoms. Mine does it to and I am most definitely not. Its more than likely just your body adjusting to the birth control. How long have you been on birth control? Have you recently stoped, missed a day of taking it or just forgot about it? All of these and more could have something to do with it! Mine does that to me when i have missed, forgot, or just ran out and hasn't been back to the store to get it!! So don't worry! Just relax because if you are then stressing over it will cause a miscarrage.

Your fiance came inside of you and you were not on birth control at the moment but the next day you took a birth control pill so can you be pregnant?

It depends. If you are regularly on birth control and just forgot it that day, it is not likely but it is very possible. If you are not regularly on birth control and took the pill the day after, then yes, you can be pregnant, since usually you have to be on the pill for 2-4 weeks before a man can ejaculate into a woman without the risk of getting her pregnant.

Why do people only know about pills for birth control?

Because they were never informed or taught about other forms of birth control

Is it safe to take off the birth control patch?

it isnt safe totake of the birth control patch because it can ruin your birth ans you can catch hrepies