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Not if it is permanent. If you are using semipermanent it would be ok but you really dont want to use harsh chemicals after harsh chemicals and you deff dont want to bleach your hair right after you do a relaxer. Your hair will fall off if you do that. I have seen plenty of customers almost in tears because they tried to do this on theirselves at home and wanted me to fix it. Try not to process your hair too much. Make sure to use deep conditioning treatments after harsh chemical services.

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Q: Is it okay to color hair then relax?
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Is it okay to color hair that is not freshly washed?

No , Its not okay to color hair that is not freshly washed .

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Can you relax permed hair?

You can depending on the condition of your hair. If the condition is good then it is okay to relax it. It can be very damaging to your hair though so if the condition isn't good then you should probably just let the perm grow out or use straighteners.

Does Revlon frost and glow make your hair fall out?

Hair color shouldn't make your hair fall out. However if you relax or perm your hair you shouldn't color at the same time because it can damage hair.

Can you relax hair and color rinse at one time?

Of course you can!! Its semi permanent and will not cause damage.

When you apply Beyond The Zone- Color Bombz hair color spary in your hair is it okay to fall asleep with it in?

It comes out in my hand occasionally... So possibly. Depends what color sheets you have

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Professional color is good for about 45 minutes- until it turns color and "oxidizes"

Can you relax your hair after keratin treatment?

Yes, someone can relax their hair after a keratin treatment. If the hair is curly it is better to relax the hair and then apply the keratin treatment.

How long do you have to wait to relax your hair after getting a permanent hair color?

You should really color your hair AFTER getting a relaxer because if you color then relax the color will fade. You should wait 2 weeks before you color your hair after getting a relaxer so I assume this means you have to wait 2 weeks before you relax after coloring. Next time stick with sem-permanent so your hair won't get as damaged. Dark and lovely is a good brand to use to color your hair after a relaxer. You can even do it on the same day it lasts thru 12 washes and I doubt you wash your hair everyday since its relaxed so if you wash every other day then it should last you about a month. If you wash once a week then it should last you 3 months not only that its also semi-permanent. It has NO peroxide & ammonia. You can get it at walmart in the ehitic hair isle. Hope I helped.

What does hair relax do to your hair?

Relaxers chemically straightens your hair.

Can you relax a dead persons hair?

no there to dead for u to relax their hair. u idiots... men have chest hair to keep the ladys warm

Can you relax dirty hair?