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yes although it would be wise to clean and disinfect it first, you don't know why your old crab might have died.

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Q: Is it okay to put your new hermit crab in a cage that your old hermit crab died in?
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Is it okay for a hermit crab to have a broken leg?

Yes, but it will die soon.

Is it okay for a hermit crab to eat luttus?

Hermit crabs can eat dark, green leafy lettuces, but not iceberg or head lettuce.

Can you let a hermit crab out of its cage for exercise?

Hermit crab should only go outside if the temperature and humidity are above 70, you need to keep them in a relatively shaded area. Letting them roam the grass is okay as long as it hasn't been treated with pesticides or herbicides. Be careful though, it is very easy for a hermit crab to sneak away when you're not looking.

If you ahd a hermit crab by himself for a long time is it okay to buy a new one?

yes so he or she can be in a group agian.

What will happen if you feed a hermit crab human food?

A dog may try to eat a hermit crab if it is not moving and pinching. The dog may like the taste of the crab or he may not. If the crab pinches the dog's mouth, likely the dog will let go.

How do you take care of land hermit crabs in captivity?

I had some named Hermie, Charles, and Elizabeth. first....You must have sand and water. Sand so they can crawl and burrow and water so they stay hydrated. You can buy hermit crab food at your local pet store called Hermit Crab Variety Bites. You can also buy them Hermit Crab Cookies for little treats. So, you get them a big enough tank and you fill the bottom with enough sand for them to burrow in..i filled up like 5 inches but they probably dont need that much. Then you buy them a little water dish they can easily crawl in and out of, you dont want to drown them. Be careful to clean out the food they dont eat becuase it will get soggy and mold will grow..they eat that too but it can be harmful if flies lay their eggs in it. Sources: Hermit Crab Owner OH YEAH...YOU NEED A TEASPOON OF SALT FOR EVERY...UHM..5 GALLONS? I BELIEVE..IDK, COPY AND PASTE THE WEBSITE. IDK. XD SORRY CAPS!

Is it okay to have animals in zoos?

yes because the animal can not escape from the cage only if they are in a proper cage and trained.

On clubpenguin how do you get out of the cage?

This is how you get out of the cage . okay do you see the water thingy if u do great fiddle withit then u are out

What can eat hermit crabs?

They can eat anything! It is best just to feed them small, small cut-up fruits like a cut up grape and small vegatables. Hermies have a tiny mouth so they have to have their food cut up! I guess it is okay if a hermit crab receives a small amount of a special food maybe once a month, like a top of a small piece of popcorn.

Is it okay for a hermit crab to eat rope?

Rope would not be nutritious for crabs, although it might not be harmful, but that depends on the type of rope; sisal is more digestible than polypropylene, for example. I advise against feeding rope to any animals. Try feeding them food, instead.

How clean does a hamster cage need to be?

When you see no fur or dropplings in the cage everywhere you are okay but still clean it every once a week!!!