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Only if you want to take the risk and pain of dry sockets. Even if you have gauze over the open sockets you are still sucking in air and drawing that smoke and air into the sockets. Think about it. Gauze is not a solid bandage. It is absorbent to prevent bleeding but still allow a minimum amount of air to promote healing. When you are dragging on a cigarette you are increasing the volume of air to the at risk area drying up what the gauze is trying to keep moist for the purpose of healing. I would recommend strongly against it.

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12y ago

No it's not ok to smoke with gauze in your mouth. You should not smoke after a tooth extraction because you can have a higher chance of getting a dry socket which is very painful.

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Q: Is it ok to smoke a cigarette after getting wisdom teeth pulled with gauze over the sockets?
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Is it possible for there to be no food in the holes where your wisdom teeth got pulled?

Yes it's possible to have food in the holes where you wisdom teeth got pulled. Due to the fact that you could have dry sockets. Always follow the directions that the dentist tells you or you will get dry sockets. When you get dry sockets you have to return to an Oral surgeon weekly to get you goz replaced. I hope this question fulfilled the answer. Thanks.

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For me, they put my braces on, not putting brackets on the ones being pulled, they few months later they pulled out the 4 wisdom teeth.

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yes it is normal, a mild rinsing after you eat will help speed up the healing.

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It takes 10 to 14 days for the surgical sites to close and heal up. Do it any sooner and you risk dry sockets, infection, disease, ect.

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sucking the cigarette (like a straw) is what causes the dry socket. just like a straw can cause dry socket, cigarettes basically do the same thing. it is recommended to wait 3-5 days to smoke a cigarette after getting your wisdom teeth pulled.

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you probly can but for me personally i wouldnt could there could be a inncedient

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I find the fastest way is just to sleep it off.

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