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You need to get it checked by a docter, because why would they put an expiration date if it was okay to take always?

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Q: Is it okay to take an antacids medicine which expired for 2 years?
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I would say not to take any medicine after it has expired to be safe, but ask your doctor.

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No! You shouldn't give expired meds to your dog!

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Yes, the stale brownie will enter your digestive system but you will be unable to process it and you will die.

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I would not recommend it at all. There may or may not be any danger but to be safe do not take it.

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Yes, "antacids2 are alkaline in nature, fruit juices are acid in nature.

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Yes, it has been a approved for military use in overseas U.S. bases for up to 2 years past it's expiration date.

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It depends. It is often okay, though it depends how expired it is. You can check the smell and appearance to see if the product looks and smells as expected. But if you have any doubt, throw it out.

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Yes it is ok to put medicine i your dog food as long as it is not sweet food

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Never take your chance with expired wet foods. If it has only past its expiry date by one or two days then it should be okay unless it has any mould growing on it.

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No, because it may be expired and will not work.

Is it okay to fast if you are an epileptic and taking medicine?

I would say NO, but always consult your doctor... not the internet.