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Q: Is it physical or chemical when ice melts?
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When ice melts into water is that a physical or chemical change?

Physical Change

When ice melts at room temperature is it physical property or chemical property?

physical property because the chemical makeup of the ice remains the same

Is ice melting an example of chemical?

No. It is water before it melts and it is water after it melts, so melting water is a physical thing, not chemical.

When ice cream melts is it a chemical change or a physical change?

Physical because none of its chemical property's are not changed. Its still ice, just melted

Is it a chemical change or physical change when ice cream melts?

Physical because none of its chemical property's are not changed. Its still ice, just melted

When a cube of ice melts to form a puddle of water is it a physical or chemical change?

physical change

When a cube of ice melts to form a puddle of water a chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change.

When a cube of ice melts to form a puddle of water a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change.

Is it a chemical or physical change if a piece of ice melts and reacts with sodium?

Melting is a physical process; reaction with sodium is a chemical process.

When ice melts is it a physical change or a chemical change?

It is a physical change. There is no chemical reaction whatsoever.

Is mixing salt and water an physical or chemical change?

I think it's physical because the salt just melts the ice.

Is ice melting a chemical change?

No, it's a physical change, ice is just frozen water.It's a physical change because when ice melts into water, the compound of the ice stays the same, it just changes state.