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Q: Is it possible for a 20 year old man to have an enlarged prostate?
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How do you put prostate in a sentence?

prostate cancer is deadly The old man had difficulty urinating because he had an enlarged prostate.

How many men have enlarged prostate glands?

Worldwide studies have shown that about 12% of men in Western countries get prostate cancer, while 50% have enlarged prostates.

A man urinating too frequently?

That can be either a symptom of an enlarged prostate, or of diabetes. You need to see a urologist to find out.

Is mastubration cause of enlarge prostate?

No , masturbation is not good for enlarged prostate , it will bring more irritation to the prostate gland and it will make more bacteria to enter this organ , when a man has gained this disease , they should seek help from the doc and use the drugs to cure it and make it to become the normal size . The diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is a kind of herb that enlarged prostate suffers can use . I think the enlarged prostate suffers should also avoid having sex .

Enlarge prostate slows pee?

If a man has an enlarged prostate gland, it will very likely slow the flow of his urine. It also increases the frequency to go and can cause a problem starting a stream.

Will testosterone hurt a 62 year old man?

Not particularly. The side effects of testosterone therapy are these:increased acneincreased aggressive behaviorincreased risk of prostate cancerexacerbation of enlarged prostatetesticular hypotrophy (shrinking of testicles)

How dangerous is enlarged prostate surgery?

The best treatment for an enlarged prostate is not the same for every man. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of each procedure. The one you choose will depend on the severity of your symptoms, how much risk you are willing to take, and other medical conditions you may have. Your doctor can help you decide what is best for you.

What is a psa count of 6?

PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. The prostate is constantly renewing itself or growing. At the same time, the body is producing antigens to try to destroy the prostate as if it were a foreign body. The faster the prostate produces new cells, the faster the body produces PSA.. If there is a cancer in the prostate, the cancer cells are prostate cells, but they are produced much faster than normal prostate cells. As a result, when the man has prostate cancer, it can be detected by measuring his PSA. The PSA reading must be compared to the individual's normal PSA reading to know whether he has prostate cancer. When a prostate cancer is being treated, the PSA reading can be compared to earlier PSA readings to determine whether the cancer is receding or growing. A PSA of 6 is rather high and probably indicates there is prostate cancer growth.

Enlarged Prostate Causes?

Problems with the prostate affect many older men. Most often, the symptoms that manifest are as a result of an enlarged prostate. As a result, the most common problem men who have this condition will experience have to do with the urinary tract. There are several causes that lead to an enlarged prostate as documented below.ProstatitisProstatitis is a very common cause of an enlarged prostate. Generally, it is an infection of the prostate that results in inflammation of the organ. This, in turn, causes swelling and can result in difficulty in urinating. Fortunately, prostatitis can be treated if the man affected visits his doctor and takes the antibiotics that are prescribed to him. Once treatment is sought, the symptoms of this condition begin to diminish in a relative fast amount of time. Prognosis is also good for the prostate returning to its normal size.Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaAnother cause of an enlarged prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. This condition is very common among older men and is essentially believed to be caused by excessive testosterone. It is also the most common cause of an enlarged prostate and is even referred to simply as "enlarged prostate." Symptoms include a lessened flow of urine or difficulty in urinating at all due to the size of the prostate when affected. If it is large enough to stunt urination, it can adversely affect the kidneys. Men who suffer from this condition should see their doctors for treatment as medication can reduce the swelling of the prostate, which in turn allows for normal urination. However, some men may not see an improvement with medication alone and will require surgery.Prostate CancerProstate cancer is the most serious of all causes of an enlarged prostate. The symptoms are much the same as those in BPH, which can be deceiving. Men with these symptoms should always see their doctors, especially because if they are found to have prostate cancer, it can be treated successfully when detected early. After treatment, urinary symptoms will improve.

What are prostate exams and how does it help men's health?

Expect to bend over and cough! The doctor will put a finger into your anus and feel the prostate exam. You cough so he can feel if it is enlarged or feels unusual -- the muscles push against the gland and help him feel of it better.

How does the enlargement of the prostate gland interfere with a males reproductive function?

The role of the prostate is to produce a liquid that mixes with semen and helps the sperm move through the semen into the woman's body. When a prostate becomes enlarged, it can effect the production of the fluid. In most cases of BPH, as the prostate becomes enlarged, it impacts your ability to urinate, due to putting pressure on the bladder. Also, an enlarged prostate can lead to prostate cancer if not treated.

What kind of concerns should a man have when prostate gland is removed?

A loss of sex drive. Possible incontinence.