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Yes, if you are willing to go beyond standard plane geometry. For example, a triangle can have two right angles in addition to a third angle on the surface of a sphere. No, if you must stick to regular secondary school plane geometry.

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Q: Is it possible for a triangle to add up to more or less that 180 degrees?
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Is a triangle with angle measures 4635and 100 possible?

No because the 3 angles of a triangle must add up to 180 degrees no less and no more

Why does a triangle have two acute angles?

If there were less than two acute angles, there would be two (or more angles that were 90 degrees or more. Then the sum of the three angles of the triangle would be more than 180 degrees. But this is not possible because the interior angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees.

What is one way obtuse triangle and acute triangle different?

Acute Angles: Less 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees. Obtuse Angles: More than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

How do you know if a triangle is acute?

A triangle is acute if it is less than 90 degrees. It is obtuse if more than 90 degrees

An acute triangle is a triangle that has what?

an angle less than 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees.So basically, a triangle 89-1 degrees is an acute triangle.

What is a triangle that has one angle less than 90 degrees?

If all three angles are less than 90 degrees, then it is called an Acute Triangle. If two angles are less than 90 degrees and the other one is 90 degrees, then it is called a Right Triangle. If one angle is more than 90 degrees and the other two are less than 90 degrees, then it is called an Obtuse Triangle. Hope this helps!

Why construction of a triangle with right angle and another obtuse angle is not possible?

Because the 3 interior angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees no more and no less but a right angle plus an obtuse angle would be over 180 degrees.

Which cant be the measure of a triangle?

The 3 interior angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees no more and no less

How is an acute triangle different from both an obtuse triangle and a right triangle?

An acute triangle has no angle of 90 degrees or more. A right triangle has one angle of 90 degrees; the other two are less than 90 degrees. An obtuse triangle has one angle between 90° and 180°; the other two are less than 90°.

Is it possible for a triangle to have 2 obtuse angles explain?

No because the 3 interior angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees no more and no less but 2 obtuse angles plus another angle would have a sum of well over 180 degrees.

What is a triangle that has one angle less than 90 degrees and two angles that are more more than 90 degrees?

An impossibility because the 3 angles of a triangle must add up to 180 degrees no more and no less whereas two obtuse angles on their own would be greater than 180 degrees.

Is a right angle triangle acute or obtuse?

Neither. An acute triangle has all angles less than 90 degrees. An obtuse triangle has one angle more than 90 degrees. A right triangle is simply just a right triangle, since it has one angle of 90 degrees.