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Q: Is it possible for alkaline earth metals to form M 1 ions?
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Which are products of the alkaline and earth alkaline metals combustion?

Alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals form their oxides when burnt. These oxides are base.

How are alkali metals different from alkaline metals?

The alkali metals are generally more reactive than the alkaline earth metals. They form 1+ ions while the alkaline earth metals form 2+ ions. Alkali metal compounds tend to be more soluble in water than alkaline earth metals.

Do both alkali metals and alkaline earth metals form alkaline sollutions when mixed with water?

Yes, it is true.

What elements have two valence electrons?

The alkaline earth metals in column 2 and the transition metals in column 12 of a wide-form periodic table.

Why do you think the most commonly used metal objects of transitional metals rather than alkali metals or alkaline earth metals?

Alkali and alkaline earth metals are too chemically reactive to stay in metallic form.

What characteristics are shared by alkalimetals and alkaline earth metals?

They are metals that are reactive. They form cations easily and form ionic bonds.

Is a metal an acid or alkali?

its definitley not acid Some metals are called alkali metals or alkaline earth metals because they often form alkaline compounds; but metals are not alkali or acids.

What is the charge of any ion formed by an alkaline earth metal?

Alkaline earth metals are in the 2nd column of the periodic table. They can lose up to 2 electrons without having to pull electrons out of an inner shell, and so alkaline earth metals almost always have a charge of +2

What Brittle metals that react with acids to form hydrogen gas?

Alkaline earth metal

What is the characteristics of alkaline?

* alkaline metals contain the higher melting and also the boiling points. * These metals are present in the earths crust which does not have a basic form. * Alkaline earth metals are distributed in structure which is named as rock. * These metals have density which is low. * Alkaline earth metals have low electron affinity and as wells as low electronegativity. * One of the basic characteristic is, it contains two electrons in their outer shell.

Why are neither the metals nor the alkaline-earth metals found uncombined in nature?

Because these metals are very reactive and readily form compounds.

Why are neither the alkali metals nor the alkaline earth metals found in nature?

Because these metals are very reactive and readily form compounds.