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They are sometimes available. Your local pet shop may have a contact or may even have a notice board. They are sometimes advertised in the classified columns.

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Q: Is it possible for angelfish to have eggs but no male angelfish?
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How do angelfish reproduce?

Once the leaf or other surface has been cleaned the female angelfish will lay eggs and afterwards the male fertilizes them. After the eggs have been laid and fertilized both angelfish parents stand guard over the eggs until they hatch in approximately 3-4 days.

1 single angelfish that has laid eggs but no male to fertilize the eggs Why would she lay the eggs?

This is a common occurence. Angelfish do this a lot. She is just getting rid of an encumbrance. Two females will also get together and spawn much to the joy of their owner who then thinks he/she has a pair.

Is it possible for a male dinosaur to lay eggs?

It was not possible for a male dinosaur to lay eggs. That would be like getting a male dog to have puppies... It's not physiologically possible.

What's the difference between male and female angelfish?

The most accurate way to tell Male from Female is to watch them spawn.The female will lay the eggs while the male fertilizes them.

Does angelfish lay eggs?

yes..sometimes about 400 of them at the same time

How do you breed angelfish eggs?

you don't breed eggs! You hatchem!!

How many eggs can angelfish have?


When the angelfish lays the eggs and you remove them off the spot where they were laid?

The only way to relocate Angelfish eggs is to move whatever the eggs were laid on. Removing(scrapeing) the eggs from where the fish laid them will result in the death of the eggs. HTH

How many eggs dose a angelfish have?


Do Gray angelfish lay eggs?


What is a male angelfish called?


Can angelfish have babies?

Yes, Angelfish can have babies. Usually they lay their eggs on leaves on plants and guards them.