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Are you smoking paper what kind of stupid question is that if i saw your face i would of slapped you by now.

Actually i think they can but they are just REALLY expensive. Alot of small dogs have crooked bottom teeth. Also mixed breeds have this. Only be concerned if there is signs of pain from your dogs teeth.

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Q: Is it possible for dogs to have braces?
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Do dogs need braces?

no dogs don't need braces

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Is it possible for braces to shred a baseball?

It is possible but only if you don't take care of it.

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Can people who suck their thumbs get braces?

it is possible, but its not a good idea. sucking your thumb pushes your teeth "out" while braces pushes them "in" causing basically zero effect from the braces, resulting in you having to wear them longer.

Is it possible to move the position of the bottom teeth relative to the jaw using braces to correct a weak chin?

Yes. That is what braces are for. It takes a while, but they do move.

Is there any why possible that you can close your gap safely without braces cause you will never be able to afford braces?

You can get laser surgery. I got it, it is no big deal. Really!

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no, it is not possible.

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its possible

Can a dogs get pregnant by a man?

No not possible

Can dogs have allergies?

Yes it is possible

If you have braces can you still kiss?

Yes, you can still kiss with braces. It may take some getting used to and being mindful of your braces during the kiss, but it is possible to have a normal kissing experience while wearing braces. Just be gentle and communicate with your partner about how to navigate the braces.