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Q: Is it possible for humans to have no effect on any of earth's systems?
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How do earthquake activity change the earths surface?

By slowing down the earths rotation but will not make effect to humans .

How do humans effect earths natural cycles?

with co2 and gassed rissing into the atmosphere

Have humans affected the earths Greenhouse Effect?

yes, by releasing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and sulphur dioxide througe the burning of fossil fuels

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Do stars have a effect on humans?

They do not have effect on humans whatso ever.

What can be done to minimize the cause of earthquakes?

Nothing. Earthquakes happen because of the way the Earth as a planet is stuck together, and there's really nothing us puny humans can do to influence that. You should ask about the effect instead. With proper building regulations, and systems in place for advance warnings it is possible to make quakes less dangerous for humans.

What do physical systems and social systems have in common?

They both can be made by humans and they both can be natural.

What role do humans play on the Earths oceans?

this is not answer by HEAVEN

Can a woman mate with stallion?

No, physically it is not possible for a woman to mate with a stallion. Humans and horses are of different species and their reproductive systems are not compatible for interbreeding.

Do humans get headaches from high and low pressure systems?

Humans do not get headaches from high and low pressure systems.

What are some possible reasons for the abundance of CO2 in the earths atmosphere?

There is so much carbon dioxide because it is constantly being cycled through the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial systems. It is a crucial component of all life. There has been even more added recently, however, as humans burn fossil fuels containing carbon.