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Ovarian cancer is NOT contagious to the fetus directly. Meaning if you have ovarian cancer during pregnancy (which is extremely rare), these cancerous cells have no way of coming in contact with the developing fetus. All the cells from which your daughter will be derived will be from the single celled zygote formed from the union of egg and sperm. Ovarian cancers in children are extremely rare and are quite distinct from adult ovarian caners. The direct causes of ovarian cancer still remain unknown however. It is believed it has to do with the continual tissue-repair process that follows the monthly release of an egg through a tiny tear in an ovarian follicle (ovulation) throughout a woman's reproductive years. The formation and division of new cells at the rupture site may set up a situation in which genetic errors occur. Others propose that the increased hormone levels before and during ovulation may stimulate the growth of abnormal cells. The most significant risk factor for ovarian cancer is having an inherited mutation in one of two genes called Breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2). These genes were originally identified in families with multiple cases of breast cancer but they're also responsible for about 5 percent to 10 percent of ovarian cancers. Another known genetic link involves an inherited syndrome called hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Individuals in HNPCC families are at increased risk of cancers of the uterine lining (endometrium), colon, ovary, stomach and small intestine. Sometimes, ovarian cancer occurs in more than one family member but isn't the result of any known inherited gene alteration. Having a family history of ovarian cancer increases your risk of the disease, but not to the same degree as does having an inherited genetic defect. If you have one first-degree relative

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Q: Is it possible for your child to get ovarian cancer if you have it?
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A pap smear will not detect ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer won't affect whether a pap smear is normal or abnormal -- it could be either one.

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What supplement can eat to cure ovarian cancer?

None. You cannot treat ovarian cancer with diet supplements.

What type of doctor provides treatment for ovarian cancer?

They can use many treatments. The treatment they use the most is kemo. The doctors put the kemo into your body's blood system to help your white blood cells keep the cancer cells out of your body.

What are Some of the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

What is ovarian cancer?Ovarian cancer is a condition that occurs when the cells in the ovary began to grow and divide abnormally. Doctors have not been able to determine the exact cause ovarian cancer. However, they have found that family history seems to play a role in the development of this condition. Women who have never had children are also at an increased risk for developing ovarian cancer.What are some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer?Ovarian cancer is sometimes hard to diagnose because most women do not show any symptoms until they are in the advanced stage. If a woman does have symptoms, she will most likely experience abdominal pain, bloating, back pain, indigestion and fatigue. Those symptoms are commonly attributed to minor illnesses.How can ovarian cancer be treated?A doctor will usually elect to perform surgery that removes the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. If a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer at a young age, the surgeon may only remove one fallopian tube and ovary. It is possible to conceive a child with one ovary and fallopian tube.Most women will have to go through chemotherapy after surgery to keep the cancer from coming back. Additionally, a doctor may also elect to perform chemotherapy is a woman is found to be in the advanced stages of ovarian cancer.How can ovarian cancer be prevented?Because doctors do not know exactly what causes ovarian cancer, there really is not anything that can be done to prevent it. However, there has been evidence to suggest that women who take birth control pills have a reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer. Women who have a family history of this condition may want to consider talking to their doctor. A doctor can help determine a patient's risk of developing ovarian cancer. Many women who are at a high risk for developing cancer elect to have their ovaries removed.