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No. Because you cannot turn into a mermaid in the first place. Mermaids do not exist. Spells and magic are nothing more than fantasy.

If you are talking about any particular work or works on fiction, then that depends on what the writer wants.

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Q: Is it possible if you did a mermaid spell and be able to turn back human?
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Is it possible to do a mermaid spell and be able to turn back human again?

No. Mermaids, magic, and spells are fantasy and nothing more.

What is the rarest mermaid magic?

The rarest mermaid spell is 'The retention of ethic after the appointment of Political Power'. So far no mermaid has ever been able to effect it.

How do you marry a mermaid?

You could marry a mermaid if they were able to turn into a human.

If you follow the instructions on how to be a mermaid will you be able to turn back?

You can NOT turn into a mermaid. I don't care what instructions you follow people can not become part fish and part human. It is too messy. Mermaids are not real. Want to be a mermaid? Go buy a costume and pretend.

Would you be able to become a mermaid or not?

no you can not become a mermaid it sucks but u just cant.

Can people grow a mermaid tail?

Mermaids are mythical creatures that do not actually exist. And if they did, they would not be human, so a human would not be able to turn into one. Animals cannot change into other animals.

How do you spell possible?

POSSIBLE : "able to be accomplished", or "within the realm of likelihood" (as, a possible result)

What do you do if you don't have feelings?

If you do not have feelings, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional to explore potential underlying causes or conditions such as alexithymia or emotional numbness. Therapy can help you develop emotional awareness and coping strategies to navigate your experiences. Practicing mindfulness and self-care techniques may also aid in reconnecting with your emotions.

What do you get if you mix a mermaid and a Phoenix?

If you mixed a phoenix with a mermaid, it would be quite an interesting creature. It would probably be able to fly, as well as swim underwater.

Is literacy and spelling different or same?

Literacy means, in general, knowing how to read and write (reasonably well). Spelling means being able to spell words. It is common that people who are literate still spell very poorly. It is possible for a person to be able to spell words and not be able to read or write sentences. (I imagine this would involve a disability of some sort.) So, they are different.

How were Scooby Doo's family able to talk and act human?

They've existed since the Pilgrim days, so it's possible they were injected with Human DNA!

When you are a mermaid do you live in the water only?

yeahp unless ur like areal and legs appeared cus she met this handsome man lol Other Answer: IF you were a mermaid, I guess it depends what type of mermaid. Some become human when they are dry and mermaid when they get wet. Others stay in the water, but can sit on a rock and sing and comb their hair with a fork while still being able to breathe. Other mermaids can't go out of the water at all. I'd say the second answer is the most likely: being amphibious.