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Yes, that is possible. For example, an object in circular motion, accelerated towards the center. The force (and the acceleration) is normal (perpendicular) to the movement; thus, the dot product between the force and the displacement is zero.

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Yes, it is possible for a body to be in accelerated motion with a force acting on it without work being done by the force if the force is perpendicular to the direction of motion. In such cases, the force is providing centripetal acceleration, changing the direction of motion without affecting the body's kinetic energy.

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Q: Is it possible that a body be in accelarated motion under a force acting on a body yet no work is being done by the force?
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Can work be done if there is no motion?

Yes, work can still be done even if there is no motion. Work is defined as the force applied over a distance, so as long as there is a force acting on an object in the direction of the force, work is being done. If an object is stationary but has a force applied to it, work is still being done even though there is no motion.

Does a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction obey the equation of projectile motion?

Yes, a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction follows the equation of projectile motion as long as the only force acting on it is gravity. The motion can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components, with the horizontal motion being constant and the vertical motion following a parabolic trajectory.

What is motion mindedness?

Motion mindedness refers to an individual's ability to perceive and understand movement, both in themselves and in others. It involves being aware of physical sensations, body language, and environmental cues related to motion. People with high motion mindedness may excel in activities such as sports, dance, and acting.

Why horizontal motion is constant?

Horizontal motion is constant when there are no external forces acting on an object in that direction. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is why horizontal motion can remain constant when there is no acceleration or deceleration.

Why is motion possible?

That question would really be tough to answer, because perpetual motion is not possible.

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Can an object in motion if no external forces are acting on it?

yes. external forces ALTER an object's motion... but once it starts moving and has no external forces being applied on it, it will go in a straight line with constant velocity (Newton's 1st Law of Motion)

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Yes, work can still be done even if there is no motion. Work is defined as the force applied over a distance, so as long as there is a force acting on an object in the direction of the force, work is being done. If an object is stationary but has a force applied to it, work is still being done even though there is no motion.

Does a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction obey the equation of projectile motion?

Yes, a ball thrown in an arbitrary direction follows the equation of projectile motion as long as the only force acting on it is gravity. The motion can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components, with the horizontal motion being constant and the vertical motion following a parabolic trajectory.

What is motion mindedness?

Motion mindedness refers to an individual's ability to perceive and understand movement, both in themselves and in others. It involves being aware of physical sensations, body language, and environmental cues related to motion. People with high motion mindedness may excel in activities such as sports, dance, and acting.

Why horizontal motion is constant?

Horizontal motion is constant when there are no external forces acting on an object in that direction. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is why horizontal motion can remain constant when there is no acceleration or deceleration.

Why is motion possible?

That question would really be tough to answer, because perpetual motion is not possible.

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Second law of motion?

The second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, this is expressed as F = ma, where F is the net force acting on an object, m is its mass, and a is its acceleration. The law helps to explain how forces cause objects to move and how their motion can be quantitatively analyzed.

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Can an object be in motion if no external forces are acting on it?

Yes, according to Newton's first law of motion, an object will remain in its state of motion (either at rest or moving at a constant velocity) unless acted upon by an external force. So, if no external forces are acting on an object, and it is already moving or at rest, it will continue in that state indefinitely.