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Q: Is it possible that the fetus with no heartbeat will be alive again in the womb?
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What is the meaning of no heart beat at 6 week?

Sometimes the baby turns and causes you not to be able to hear the heartbeat.

Ultrasound detect heartbeat in a fetus?

yes, you can see the heartbeat on an ultrasound.

What does a fast fetus heartbeat mean?

Fast fetus heartbeat may mean lack of oxygen inside or fetal your answer here...

When does the body expel the fetus after the heartbeat stops?

When it dies.

What drug can produce slow heartbeat in the fetus?


What is healthy male fetus heartbeat?

There is no true variance in the Male or Female fetus. Depending on how far along in the pregnancy, the heartbeat should be anywhere from 110 to 170 BPM.

If the heartbeat of fetus is very fast then it is boy or girl?


Can you still feel a heartbeat after miscarriage?

i doubt it there should be a fetus anymore.

When does the fetus develop a heartbeat?

In a fetus, the heart starts beating by the fifth week of the gestation period. This is also when it divides into chambers.

Do fetus's know they are alive?

No they are not.

Can a embryo grow without a heartbeat?

No. It is dead with no heartbeat. Actually it does, since an embryo has no heart. It is the mother's heart that is keeping the embryo alive. It isn't until it is a fetus until it has a heart. While its heart it not being fully used and has a hole in it that keeps it from fully working, its heart does beat.

Is it possible for a fetus to stop and start growing again?

Yes, especially if the mother has not been managing to eat enough. The fetus does go through phases of growing and not growing