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No, the Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for Pharaohs to help ensure their success in the afterlife. All artworks in them were internal and provided for the enjoyment of the dead Pharaoh only.

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Q: Is it possible that the pyramids were built to compete with other works of art?
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How they built pyramids?

they built pyramids with dried mud, stone and other sorts of recourse's

Do other cultures build pyramids besides Egyptians?

yes there were many cultures that built pyramids

The Great Pyramids of Egypt were built in approximately?

The oldest of the three pyramids, the pyramid of Khufu, was built around 2580 BCE. The other two, the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure, followed soon after.

Who built more pyramids and temples than any other pharaoh?

He built no pyramids but he built temples, statues of himself and a massive rock tomb. His name Ramses II.

Did other religious groups build pyramids?

Pyramids were primarily built by ancient Egyptian and Mesoamerican civilizations for religious and ceremonial purposes. Other religious groups, such as the Mayans and Aztecs, also built pyramids, but the design and significance of these structures varied between cultures.

What was the purpose of the Old kingdom pyramids?

The pyramids that you are talking about were built to hold the remains of dead Egyptian (and other) pharoahs.

Who built the pyraimids?

There are pyramids all over the Earth. The Egyptian slaves built the Great Pyramids, and the Aztecs, Mayans, and other Mexican aboriginals and their slaves built the famous pyramids in Mexico. There are many, many other ancient burial buildings made of stone around the world, and quite a number are pyramidal in shape.

Where were the pyramids built?

The pyramids were primarily built in Egypt, with the most famous ones located near Cairo, in an area known as the Giza Plateau. These ancient structures are part of the larger complex of ancient pyramid constructions in Egypt, showcasing the architectural prowess of the ancient Egyptians.

Who built the pyramaid?

If you mean the Egyptian pyramids, then the ancient Egyptian built them. However other civilizations have also built pyramidal structures.

Who built the Aztec pyramids?

The Aztec pyramids were built by the Aztec civilization in Mesoamerica. The most famous of these pyramids is the Templo Mayor in the capital city of Tenochtitlan (modern-day Mexico City). They were constructed using a combination of stone, mud bricks, and other materials.

Why are Mayan pyramids so tall?

The reason Mayan pyramids and other structures are built so high is so they can be notice more easily in the dense rainforest they are in.

Where can pyramids be found?

you can see them all over the world but Egypt has the most famous pyramids of all