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yes it is entirely possible, some like my great grand parents still had the old world mentatilty, the less that people knew about you, the better/safer you were. The requirements for citizenship have changed over the years, and quiet possibly they were relaxed enough back then, that most people didnt question it never became an issue

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Q: Is it possible that your father who came to us in 1906 and remained here until his death never became a citizen?
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If your husband's mother became a citizen before he was 18 does that make him a citizen if his father is not a citizen?

You have to be born in America to be a citizen

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Yes. If their mother or father became a US. citizen then legally if they're under 18 they are a citizen.

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No, that would mean he became a father at 7. Not possible.

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Obama's father is no longer living. He was born in Kenya and came to the US to go to school. He never became a US citizen.

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No, there does not seem to be any evidence that President Obama's biological father became a U.S. citizen, and in fact, he ultimately returned to his country.

Is your fiance a US citizen if his father became a citizen in 1990 before he turned 18?

Probably. He should try to get the naturalization documents to prove it for him, then get a US passport as final proof.

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In Athens to become a citizen you would have to be over the age of 18 and you would have to be a male. You cant be a slave and you cant be a foreigner. But long ago to become a citizen your father and your mothers father would have to be a citizen.

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The CitiZen Chil will be adopted by Federal / State

What is the relation of king David and Jesus father Joseph in the bible?

(Matthew 1:1-16)1 The book of the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: 2 Abraham became father to Isaac;Isaac became father to Jacob;Jacob became father to Judah and his brothers;3 Judah became father to Pe′rez and to Ze′rah by Ta′mar;Pe′rez became father to Hez′ron; Hez′ron became father to Ram;4 Ram became father to Am·min′a·dab;Am·min′a·dab became father to Nah′shon;Nah′shon became father to Sal′mon;5 Sal′mon became father to Bo′az by Ra′hab;Bo′az became father to O′bed by Ruth;O′bed became father to Jes′se;6 Jes′se became father to David the king.David became father to Sol′o·mon by the wife of U·ri′ah;7 Sol′o·mon became father to Re·ho·bo′am;Re·ho·bo′am became father to A·bi′jah;A·bi′jah became father to A′sa;8 A′sa became father to Je·hosh′a·phat;Je·hosh′a·phat became father to Je·ho′ram;Je·ho′ram became father to Uz·zi′ah;9 Uz·zi′ah became father to Jo′tham;Jo′tham became father to A′haz;A′haz became father to Hez·e·ki′ah;10 Hez·e·ki′ah became father to Ma·nas′seh;Ma·nas′seh became father to A′mon;A′mon became father to Jo·si′ah;11 Jo·si′ah became father to Jec·o·ni′ah and to his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon.12 After the deportation to Babylon Jec·o·ni′ah became father to She·al′ti·el; She·al′ti·el became father to Ze·rub′ba·bel;13 Ze·rub′ba·bel became father to A·bi′ud;A·bi′ud became father to E·li′a·kim;E·li′a·kim became father to A′zor;14 A′zor became father to Za′dok;Za′dok became father to A′chim;A′chim became father to E·li′ud;15 E·li′ud became father to El·e·a′zar;El·e·a′zar became father to Mat′than;Mat′than became father to Jacob;16 Jacob became father to Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.

If your father became a US citizen when you were 14 does this automatically make you a US citizen?

The following guidelines must be met before the child is considered a US citizen: * the child is under 18 years of age; * the child is or becomes a permanent resident (not a greencard holder); * at least one parent of the child became a sworn naturalized US citizen after February 27, 2001; * the child lives with and is in the legal custody of the US citizen parent. Visit the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service website for more information.

What are the criteria for becoming a citizen in Athens?

Father mothers father were citizens

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The biological father have to give up his parental rights or this will not be possible. If he is an illegal immigrant he can still have paternal rights in the US. Once his rights are terminated you can apply for adoption.