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No. Any journey will inevitably have a start point and end point. Therefore there must be a phase of acceleration and deceleration. A constant velocity can be achieved between these two phases.

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That depends on the specific circumstances (what type of travel are you talking about?). However, usually it isn't possible, since there will be obstacles that may force you to turn. Also note that:* For a small amount of time at the beginning and end of the journey, the vehicle must accelerate.

* If the travel is along Earth's surface, Earth's curvature will force the vehicle to accelerate (change velocity).

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Q: Is it possible to achieve a constant velocity for the entire duration of travel?
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Is distance time and force velocity quantities?

Distance and time are quantities that define SPEED. Add Direction and you now have a Velocity Vector. Force is not in either definition, but is necessary to achieve a speed or velocity.

How do you achieve negative velocity?

If you have a Displacement - time graph, the velocity at a certain point equals displacement over time, displacement is a vector quantity thus is affected by direction so when it has a negative value the velocity has a negative value. and if your still thinking about it, check out this thought: "negative velocity is positive velocity in the other direction"

What does the term 'escape velocity' mean?

Escape velocity is what a moving body has to achieve in order not to be pulled back down to the planet. For Earth it is about 7 miles per second.

What is the difference between increasing velocity and uniform velocity?

Increasing velocity means that the body is accelerating and a force is acting on the body to produce the acceleration. Uniform velocity means that there is no acceleration or deceleration and so no force acts on the body. (Note that in practice we cannot achieve perpetual motion because of either the decelerating force of gravity or friction).

What is the acceleration of light?

That depends on what your light ray is traveling through. If through vacuum, then its speed is 299,792,458 meters per second. If through anything else but vacuum, then (299,792,458 meters per second) divided by (the index of refraction of that material.

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Is it possible to achieve a constant acceleration?

Yes - for a while. Or indefinitely, if you will accept zero acceleration as "constant acceleration".

How you use achieve in a sentence?

We will soon achieve maximum velocity.

What is a sentence with velocity?

Reduce your velocity or pay a one dollar fine.

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No.Orbital Velocity is the velocity required by a body to achieve a circular orbit around its primary.Escape velocity is the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field

How does an object achieve terminal velocity?

99% of the object cause terminal velocity is determined from an object when it is going as fast as it will go

What speed would a pig achieve falling from the sky?

maximum velocity.

Is distance time and force velocity quantities?

Distance and time are quantities that define SPEED. Add Direction and you now have a Velocity Vector. Force is not in either definition, but is necessary to achieve a speed or velocity.

Is it possible to achieve -760 mm Hg vacuum?

yes we can achieve.

How do you achieve negative velocity?

If you have a Displacement - time graph, the velocity at a certain point equals displacement over time, displacement is a vector quantity thus is affected by direction so when it has a negative value the velocity has a negative value. and if your still thinking about it, check out this thought: "negative velocity is positive velocity in the other direction"

What does the term 'escape velocity' mean?

Escape velocity is what a moving body has to achieve in order not to be pulled back down to the planet. For Earth it is about 7 miles per second.

Is it possible to hit a golf ball from the Moon's surface and reach escape velocity?

A golf ball is designed to achieve speeds up to 100 mph. While it's certainly possible with super human strength to hit it harder, you'd need to achieve 2.38 km/s or 5,324 mph (8,568 kph) for it to escape the Moons gravity. Whilst possible in sci-fi magazines, a golf ball would just explode as soon as it was hit at those velocities.

How volute casing functions in pump?

volute has an increasing flow area as it wraps around the impeller.So, when the pump is operating at BEP (best efficiency point) ,have to keep the flow velocity constant around the impeller. To achieve that function, the area increases so as to accept the additional flow exiting the impeller.