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No. You will have HCG levels in your system if you are pregnant. If you are very early on, it could show negative, you don't start producing HCG until the baby is implanted.

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Yes! If you suspect you are pregnant and the test was neg, wait 3 days to 1 week and test again.

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Q: Is it possible to be pregnant and have low hcg levels that it doesnt show on a pregnancy test?
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What does hcg levels in early pregnancy mean?

In early pregnancy, hCG levels are measured to tell if a woman is pregnant. The hGC levels get higher as the pregnancy progresses. A woman who uses a pregnancy test is having these level measured in her urine in order to tell if she is pregnant.

Can you get positive urine pregnancy test result even your not pregnant?

Yes, especially if you have an H mole where there is high HCG levels.

Is it possible for a pregnancy test to be wrong?

If you are using a home pregnancy test, it may be to early to tell if you are pregnant. Wait another week or have your blood levels checked to see if your pregnant. If you received a positive test, your probably pregnant, as the test tests if there is HCG in your system, and you only have this hormone in your system if your pregnant (unless you have some medical issue).

Is roundness and tenderness of breasts only related to pregnancy?

The roundness and tenderness is related to estrogen levels. Estrogen levels rise and fall when you are not pregnant, and when you are pregnant estrogen levels rise substantially.

Is it possible to have undetectable hormone levels during pregnancy?

Nope the hormones are raging during Pregnancy

What if you have no symptoms of pregnancy but high hCG levels?

How do you know your HCG levels are high? It is not unusual to be pregnant and not have any symptoms. If you have a positive home pregnancy test you should assume you are pregnant and see a doctor. HCG is most commonly associated with pregnancy, but could indicate other health issues if it is elevated outside of pregnancy.

I have all the pregnancy symptoms of 5 weeks but i can't get a positive result am i pregnant?

Yes, it is still possible that you are pregnant. You will need to go to a doctor and have them draw blood to show that you are or have been pregnant recently. After 3 days they can do the blood test again and if your levels are still rising, then you are still pregnant. If they are falling, then you are no longer pregnant. Some people fail to show a positive on a pee type pregnancy test for up to 6 months, although it is /very/ rare. It is also possible that you have what is called a "hydatidiform mole" type pregnancy which means you are not carrying a viable baby, and that your hormone levels will be totally messed up. Your nausea would be much worse that with a normal pregancy, and you might not show as pregnant on a pee test.

Do women with phantom pregnancy test positive on home pregnancy tests?

I have heard both yes and no for this however if you do research into it, its very possible for the test to come back positive because your mind tricks your body into believing its pregnant so the hormone levels will show signs of pregnancy

Can a pregnancy test detect a pregnancy in the tubs?

Im guessing you meant tubes. Sometimes a tubular pregnancy can bet detected through a home pregnancy test. But due to the possibility of lower levels of hormone with ectopic pregnancy it is possible to have a home test show that you are not pregnant while you have an EP. So if you are concerned you may have that issue i would contact your dr or go to the ER

Is it ok that my hcg levels have gone from 49000 at 7 weeks pregnant to 52000 in two weeks?

no, as long as it is increasing in numbers, you should be fine... According to the American Pregnancy Association, hCG levels taper off after 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.

Does a hcg of less than 1 means pregnancy?

I think hcg levels of minus 5 mean not pregnant

Hcg levels and CORRESPONDING weeks of pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's hCG level's double every two days.