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Yes you can. Pet shops sell them and many places sell items especially for pet chipmunks including Pets at Home. I believe they are a fairly common pet.

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11y ago

Yes, it is possible, as long as you feed it on alternative days. You shouldnt hold the chipmunk though, because its saliva may contain bacteria harmful to our bodies.

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Q: Can you have a chipmunk as a pet?
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Where can you get a real live pet chipmunk?

A Pet shop!

What are the pet of the months in 2012?

january- marshmallow chipmunk

Can you have a chipmunk as a pet in the United Kingdom?

yes because you can see products for them in your lochal pet stores

How can a pet chipmunk die?

A pet chipmunk can die of a lot of things. They can die by mostly the same way that most other animals die. I don't know. Do some research kid!

What animal eats a chipmunk?

elephants, monkies and my pet dog (but that's just him)

How much is a chipmunk from a pet shop?

Well. you cant buy chipmunks but you CAN buy squirrels!!

Can you own a chipmunk in Pennsylvania?

trust me you do NOT want to keep a chipmunk as a pet (unless it is Alvin and the chipmunks =D) one time i was petting a chipmunk and it bit me but i am really good with animals .

How can you tame a chipmunk?

This is illegal. It is illegal to keep a wild animal for a pet. It is illegal to keep a wild animals for a pet.

If you pet a young chipmunk will its parents kill it?

they won't kill it but they will abandon it before it is ready to live alone.

Is there such a thing as a flying chipmunk?

Yes, I own a white chipmunk as a pet. Chipmunks are common pets in the UK, and can be a blast to have as a companion as long as they have the proper enclosure with plenty of rooms to jump and play!

Why would your chipmunk have milky looking eyes?

Your chipmunk would has milky eyes because he\she is sad that you are keeping him as a pet you should NOT let him go you should make him a habitat with trees and grass etc. to make it just like the real world outside and find a way to put food in without your chipmunk knowing.

Does a chipmunk make a good pet?

yes. they disperse seeds and make vegetation on the floor.