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if you had your period, you are NOT pregnant.

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Q: Is it possible to conceive if your last sexual contact was within the free days of your birth control pills though you had your menstruation after the last sexual contact and stop taking the next pack?
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Is there any chance of pregnancy during menstruation?

You cannot conceive during menstruation as there is no egg present. You can however have fertile cervical mucus present and thus sperm may live for up to seven days, by which time you may ovulate. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

Is it possible to delay menstruation after engaging in foreplay?

It's not really possible to delay menstruation unless you are taking birth control pills (or become pregnant, of course).

How do you delay menstruation days?

The only way you can delay menstruation is by taking birth control pills.

Can a woman get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation. It all depends on her menstrual cycle as to whether she is fertile that day, but it is certainly possible if no birth control is used.

The shedding of the lining in the woman's uterus once a month is called what?

When the uterine lining sheds this is typically called menstruation. Although women on hormonal birth control will experience a faux period in the form of a withdrawal bleed.

Can you conceive immediately after menstruation?

Menstrual cycle refers to your entire reproductive cycle, so you would always conceive during your menstrual cycle. If you're asking if you can conceive the first day after menstruation then the answer is yes, there may be an egg present that early in your menstrual cycle.

Can you get preggnant on your period?

No, it is biologically impossible to get pregnant during your period as there is no egg present. BUT it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation, also not all vaginal bleeding is menstruation. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

How long is menstruation on birth control?

It should be the same amount of time as when NOT on birth control.

Is withdrawal bleeding menstruation?

The withdrawal bleeding is not regular menstruation. Birth control changes the hormones in your body and suppresses ovulation, therefore there's no egg that was released to cause menstruation. That's why birth control prevents pregnancy.

You are going away for vacation and you dont want your period to come down what can you do?

It is possible to "skip" menstruation by not taking the placebo birth control pills and instead starting a new pack.

What treatment can relieve menorrhagia during menstruation?

If there are no other problems, and the bleeding is due to hormonal imbalances, birth control pills are often prescribed to bring the bleeding under control and regulate menstruation.

How do you control heavy menstruation?

uhh.. wear a "heavy flow" tampon?