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Q: Is it possible to determine the age of concrete?
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Is it possible to determine the age of a concrete block?

Unless the date was written on the concrete block before it set, it isn't possible to determine the exact age of a concrete block. A master craftsman may be able to determine an approximate date, but because the concrete was never alive, methods like carbon-dating would not work.

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It is not possible to determine Frank Colclough's age without additional information.

When installing a shower drain in a concrete floor how do you determine the height of the drain which will protrude through the concrete?

First determine what you are going to install as the shower unit. If there is to be no shower unit and it will just drain through the concrete floor, then it will be flush with the floor. If you are installing a unit, then you need to look at the unit to determine the distance obove the concrete to place the drain.

Does tire shine stain concrete?

if the concrete is not sealed its possible , it will cause the concrete to become slippery .

Can you determine age of a barrel by its markings and if so how?

Provide a detailed description of all markings on the bbl. It might be possible.

Purpose of slump test for concrete?

To check the consistency of the concrete; to determine if the concrete flow smoothly into the shape of the formwork. It is a quick check to see if the concrete is suitable for use.

Can you lay wet concrete on dry concrete?

This may be possible if you prep the dry concrete with a latex bonding agent.

What method is used to determine defective concrete?

sounding technique

How can you determine your dwarf bunny's age?

Take it to a Veterinarian. And they can determine the age.

How do you determine the age of a shell?

The thickness of the shell (lip) increases with the age. This is how you can determine the age of the conch.

Is it possible for wet concrete to stain linolem?

Yes if there is mold growth on the concrete from the moisture.

Who is the oldest person on moviestarplanet?

As of now, it is not possible to determine the oldest person on MovieStarPlanet as age information is not publicly shared or disclosed on the platform.