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If a police officer is acting in his official capacity, you cannot put a restraining order on him. If, for example, an officer is investigating you for something, you cannot stop him from investigating. If you feel an officer is violating your rights in his official capacity, the best thing to do is go to the officer's supervisor and try to resolve the problem. When an officer is not acting in his official capacity, like he's your neighbor and is bothering you, then you can get a restraining order against him. Remember, when not acting as an officer, he is just a private citizen; just like you.

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Q: Is it possible to get a restraining order against the police?
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You will need to contact the police or the courts to get restraining order against an ex in Riverside, CA.

Can you get a restraining order against someone in a different state and how?

To obtain a restraining order you go to the county court for the county you live in. You must provide a vail reason to a judge as to why you need a restraining order. It is possible to have a restraining order for someone out of states but it is difficult to serve them the order so they are not always properly initiated.

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Usually, the police department, in the city that the order was filed has access to that information.

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Yes, it is POSSIBLE, but he would have to have sufficient grounds to convince the judge that a restraining order was justified.

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One way is to call the police, tell them he threatened you then get a restraining order against him. They will escort him off the premises. The restraining order will keep him from returning.

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No, you don't, but it is possible you are listed on a police site for sex offenders.

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just got word that Carla Werner filed a restraining order against her lovers wife after she was confronted and beaten up by Wife. her lover accompanied Carla to the police station and helped her file the restraining order giving the police all of his wives information. then he asked the police officers to keep his name out of the filed complaint because he didn't want anyone in his neighborhood finding out he went to police and "rated" on his wife a Female....

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what do i do if somebody violates their own restraining order against me two times?

Will having a Legal Restraining Order against you eliminate your chances of becoming an RN as a job?

If you have a restraining order against you it could possibly hinder you obtaining your nursing license. It really depends on why the restraining order was issued.

How do you get kids away from father who is abusing them?

Get a restraining order against the father and call the police. Abuse IS NOT to be tolerated. It can lead to worse, like death.

How do you get your ex-abusive girlfriend to leave your house?

If it is your house and in your name, call the police and have her removed. Get a restraining order against her so she cannot return.