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Bruising is not a very common side effect from laser vein treatment. This is normally apain free procedure,you may have some redness in the area.

It is possible to get bruising from laser vein treatment. After the treatment, bruising, redness soreness and swelling can occur in the area.

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Q: Is it possible to get bruising from laser vein treatment?
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Related questions

Does laser vein treatment get good results?

Most of the time, it does, but be aware that there are some risks, including bruising and bleeding at the surgery site.

How much should I expect to pay for my first laser vein treatment?

Laser vein, or spider vein, treatment ususally cost around $300-$400 per treatment.

How does varicose vein laser treatment work?

Laser therapy is one means of treating varicose veins. The laser works to destroy and damage the vein. The laser closes the vein preventing it from spreading further.

Who offers painless laser vein treatment?

There is no "painless" laser vein treatment. The pain from laser vein treatment can range from mild discomfort to a throbbing, burning feeling. Some people describe it like a small rubber band rapidly snapping on one's skin. However, for the best results, including making the treatment as comfortable as possible, always use a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Most local doctors can refer you to a specialist in the area of laser vein treatment. The procedure itself usually takes only 10 to 20 minutes and is usually fairly painless since a cooling cream or topical anesthetic can be used as well as the cooling head on the laser. More than one treatment may be necessary and is considered cosmetic surgery. Should check to verify if your insurance covers this.

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What does bruising on your legs mean

Where can one go for laser vein treatment?

Laser treatment can be quite effective in the treatment of varicose veins. Clinics and spas where one could have such treatment include Dermacenter Medical Spa, Health East Vascular Center and Timeless Age-Defying Laser Clinic.

What are some good laser treatments for varicose veins?

Whereas facial spider and reticular veins are easily removed by topical lasers, large and bulging leg varicose veins can only be removed by endovenous laser techniques, such as Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT). The procedure involves inserting a laser fiber inside a vein, guiding it in the vein with the help of Ultrasound Imaging, and then applying laser pulses. It is usually performed in a doctor's office using local anesthesia only.

Where can one have laser vein treatment?

If you're living in the UK, the NHS can provide a free varicose veins treatment, although laser treatment is not a necessity unless you have leg ulcers etc. If you're just getting it done for cosmetic reasons, you can go to a private hospital and get it done (for a fee).

What is the process for spider vein removal?

The most common process or treatment for spider vein removal is called sclerotherapy. In this process a sclerosing agent is injected into the vein which causes it to disappear. It generally takes at least 2 visits/treatments for it to be effective. After the treatment the patient must wear compression stockings for several days. Another method is a laser treatment where a bright laser beam is directed at the vein. Again, it takes multiple visits. Sometimes the two types of treatment are combined.

Where could one find spider vein laser treatment?

One can find spider vein laser treatment by searching it up online. You can search this exact questions and see all the providers and companies who provide it. Be sure to look for local providers, because customers should not have to travel far.

What are the risks associated with laser vein treatment?

There are small dangers in any procedure, but vein treatments are generally very safe. Talk to her doctor about the specific threats with her procedure.

What are the risks for spider vein removal?

There are no major risks involved with spider vein removal but when using laser treatment you might have a reddish or cat scratch appearance on the skin.