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Yes, Yes, Yes. Can get pregnant anytime you have sex (man's penis in your vagina - intercourse). Even the very 1st and only time for you virgins. Its possible to get pregnant even if the man does not ejaculate (when the sperm shoots out into vagina). A man's penis produces a tiny teardrop of fluid before intercourse, this can have sperm in it too. Ask your doctor or school counselor about Birth Control.

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1mo ago

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant if sperm is inserted during the time of ovulation, regardless of the number of times it occurs. Sperm can survive in a woman's reproductive tract for up to five days, increasing the chances of fertilization even with a single instance of sperm insertion.

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Can you get pregnant if your wearing thin shorts but he has jeans on?

It is possible to get pregnant if semen comes into contact with the vaginal area, regardless of the clothing worn by either partner. While thick clothing may reduce the risk of pregnancy, it does not provide complete protection. It is recommended to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

If a boy rubs his penis on a girls underwear and eject sperms on the underwear will the girl get pregnant?

Pregnancy can occur if sperm comes into direct contact with the vagina, not just the underwear. However, it's always best to use protection to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

What do sperms travel through?

Sperms travel through the male reproductive tract, starting in the testes where they are produced and then passing through the epididymis, vas deferens, and ejaculatory duct before being released through the urethra during ejaculation.

Can sperms pass through cotton?

Sperms are microscopic and can pass through some fabrics, including cotton, due to their size. However, the chances of sperm passing through multiple layers of cotton fabric are low. The best way to prevent sperm from passing through fabric is to use a barrier method of contraception like condoms.

How many sperms are present in one ml semen?

On average, there can be anywhere from 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. This can vary between individuals and can be influenced by factors such as age, health, and lifestyle.

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Is it possible to get pregnant if a girl swallow sperms from mouth?

It is not possible for a female to get pregnant from swallowing sperm.

Is it possible to get pregnant if a girl swallow sperms from mouth and have cuts in it?

It is impossible for a female to get pregnant from swallowing sperm.

And if a man sperms in you more than 15 times is it possible that you will be pregnant with more than one children at once?

if a man sperms in u more than 15 times is it possible that u will be pregnant with more than one child

Does a woman get pregnant after swalloing the sperms?

No she cannot get pregnant

Is it possible to see sperms when urinating?

No, it is not possible to see sperms while urinating because sperms are very tiny and a microscope is needed to see them.

How much sperms are requried to get pregnant?

all it requires is a single sperm cell, and a bit of extra information here, a single discharge of male sperm contains millions of sperm cells.

When girl eat sperm then girl are pregnant?

No. When a girl eat sperms, she will not get pregnant.

Can yellow sperms make woman pregnant?

Yes it can.

Can a woman in menses get pregnant if she eats mans sperms?

if a woman in menses eats mans sperms she won't get pragnent

Can you become pregnant from saliva?

You can not get pregnancy with saliva. Saliva does not contain sperms. Sperms are must for fertilization to take place.

Can a male get a male pregnant?

No. In order to get pregnant there has to be sperms and a egg and men don't have eggs.

Can you get pregnant just simply water of the man not the sperm?

That would be the semen which is the transporter fluid for the sperms. They can only be separated from each other in a lab. And no, it's the sperms that make you pregnant.