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Yes it is possible that is how my oldest child got here. It doesnt happen often though. These could be pregnancy stimtoms I recommed that you see a doctor.

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Q: Is it possible to get pregnant on the last day of your period then experience pregnancy symptoms such as feeling sick and bloated and having headaches and cramps?
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Could you be pregnant since you have had headaches and a cold sore?

Cold sores and headaches are not typically signs of pregnancy.

How can you tell whether you have your period or when your pregnant?

Mostly signs of a period and pregnancy are similar but there are more signs to pregnancy. If you have your periods you'd experience: cramps, headaches, sometimes nausea and/or diarrhea, headaches, mood swings and when you are pregnant you'd experience: dizziness for some women, exhaustion, your abdomen feels hard like a ball as if blotted, and a need to pee more often than normal.

If you are having pains and headaches but on your period could you be pregnant?

Headache is not a symptom of pregnancy.

Could you be pregnant if you have a light blood flow then normal blood flow but had no cramps?

It is possible to experience vaginal bleeding when you are pregnant, but it is unlikely - it is also biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. If you think that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant or not.

Is it possible to be pregnant and still have your period?

It is possible to experience bleeding during early pregnancy. However a normal period like bleed is usually not related to pregnancy. Yes. though not common, you can still have your period while pregnant. Go to your doctor, health clinic, or take a pregnancy test to confirm. If you are pregnant, you will need prenatal care.

Can you be pregnant and not have the symptoms of pregnancy?

it is possible

Is it possible to be pregnant and have no symptoms of pregnancy?


If I went on my period twice could I be pregnant?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate if you are pregnant, menstruation only occurs if someone doesn't get pregnant. It is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, it's uncommon but there are situations where it can happen, if concerned you may be pregnant take a pregnancy test.

Is it possible to be pregnant while you on your period?

Having a period (shedding of the uterine lining) and pregnancy are not compatible but some women experience monthly period type spotting during pregnancy.

Can a woman get pregnant after two weeks before her periods and have headaches instade of periods?

yes,ovulation can occur at any point in your cycle. Headaches are a common symptom of pregnancy. If you feel you may be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your doctor.

What does a pregnant women experience during their pregnancy?

she has a baby

How long can a woman be pregnant and have no symptoms?

Not a lot of women are pregnant and experience no pregnancy symptoms. But I would say about 2 months into the pregnancy and beyond they should experience pregnancy symptoms and a LOT of women experience symptoms a few days after conception.