

Is it possible to grow scales?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Is it possible to grow scales?
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Do lilies have scales?

Lilies grow from bulbs. The bulbs have overlapping scales. You can break off scales and grow new lilies asexually.

How long does it take for damaged scales to grow back on my Oscar?

maybe about a month or two (scales grow slowly)

Do salamanders have scales?

Skin that they regularly shed a layer of as they grow

Can fish have scales?

Currently, no form of genetic mutation in humans will allow people to grow scales, so people cannot grow scales. However, if the right gene was implanted into the Human DNA sequence, people could possibly grow scales, but most places forbid the practice of messing with the Human Genome or any form of Human DNA to create mutations, since it is known to be 'against the laws of nature'.

Why does a snake grow hair?

snakes don't grow hair. snakes grow scales to protect their skin.

Can fish scales expand?

If the fish is a baby and it grows then the scales expand and grow to match the fish's body.

What happens if a fishes scales fall off?

They grow them back.

Can betta fish regenerate scales?

Yes a betta fish will grow back lost scales with time and clean water.

Will goldfish scales grow back?

Yes. Given good water conditions and proper food the scales will grow back but there may never be as good as the old scales/markings.

Feathers on birds probably developed from what were in their ancestor?

Possible scales, but I think there is some lack of consensus here.

Description of a crocodile?

Crocodiles have a body covering of scaly skin. All reptiles have scaly skin. They do not have individual scales like fish do. This tough, scaly skin is called scute or osteoderms.

Can your fish grow hair?

No.Although it has been proven that a fish can grow tiny scales that move like hair.