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Yes, sometimes a person can have a bowel movement or just pass gas along with urinating at the same time. This is one (of several more) reasons that some men prefer to sit on a toilet. Partly, the reason we can urinate and have a bowel movement at the same time depends on several factors such as urgency, pressure, fullness, etc. But much more, the actions of both the rectum/anus and bladder/urethra depend on the opening and closing of specific sphincters at the bladder-urethra and at urethal meatus (at the opening of the urethra), and the sphincter at the anus. If these sphincters are stretched (anal sexual intercourse, for example), or if the pressure of urine or stool behind the sphincters is great, both urination and defecation can occur together.

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Q: Is it possible to have a bowel movement and urinate at the same time?
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The urinary system in cats is pretty much like that in humans. When ready to urinate, the cat's brain signals him to get up and go to the litter box or area of loose dirt. Both male and female cats "squat" to urinate. The male's penis extends a little out just before he urinates. Girl kitties just 'go'. When done, girl or boy cats scratch at the litter or dirt to cover the odor of their wastes.Interesting fact: Many cats will not have a bowel movement in the same litter box where they urinate.

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Same way as you do, with their hands! (at least i hope this is the way you do it.)

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The same way men do

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Yes. Just like it will give you a bowel movement it will do the same to the fetus and it can be fatal.

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Think about the person while you are having a bowel movement while also drinking a glass of water at the same time.

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No. they urinate the same way any other animal does.

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They urinate whatever they drink. If its soda or water or any other thing, they urinate it. Same with blood; doesn't do any harm.

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In male patients problems the prostate can refer pain to the lower back. If the pain is from trying to urinate the problem could be due to inflammed or abnormal prostate. If the same pain presents when bearing down to pass a bowel movement then the problem is most likely spinal in nature. The only way to determine this would be via an exam from your medical or chiropractic doctor.

Can dogs die from eating clay?

no 2nd Answer: If they ate enough of clay, it is possible to block the intestines. Don't let them eat clay is the best answer. If your dog ate clay, make sure he or she is able to have a bowel movement at least daily and if not, go to the Veterinarian. A dog can get very sick very quickly if unable to have a bowel movement due to the fact he or she is blocked up.