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I am not 100% sure, but I think that biomes can exist inside other biomes. One of those would be the drastically different hot versus cold deserts.

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Q: Is it possible to have biomes within another biome?
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Cattle are not biomes, they are animals that live within a biome, like grasslands and forests for instance.

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The main biomes of Nevada are the desert biome and the forest biome.

What are two ways that biomes are different?

Any attribute of the Biome can make it different from another. Temperature, plant-life, yearly rainfall, population density (species compact around one another), and the amounts of anything that operates within the Biome. To answer your question. Two of the things that can make two Biomes different are: Temperature, and Ecosystem.

What are the biomes of Illinois?

Freshwater Biome , The Forest Biome, and The Grassland Biome.

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Fish are a part of the marine biome. There are two forms of marine biomes: fresh water biomes and salt water biomes.

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There is 6 main or common biomes of humans. The are: freshwater, marine desert, forest, grassland, and tundra. Another biome is rainforest.

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Wisconsin is mostly made up of the temperate deciduous forest biomes, although temperate grasslands and a few other biomes also exist within the state

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There are three major biomes in France. These include the Mediterranean biome, the Alpine Tundra, and the mountain forest biomes. These regions can be subdivided into man-made and natural biomes as well.

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All biomes exept the tundra biome. The tundra is too cold and dry for crickets to survive. They do best in grassland biomes.

What biome has many biomes in it?

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The desert biome