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yes, but it's tricky. you need to search through the menu until you find the night lights option.

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Q: Is it possible to have lights that worked during the day in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3?
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When is the velocity constant during a roller coaster ride?

Velocity is constant when the middle of the roller coaster is parallel with the ground (when the tangent of the curve the roller coaster is on has a slope of 0 at the center of mass of the roller coaster).

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Why is there no music when you play Roller coaster Tycoon 3?

Depends on what you mean no music? Do you mean sound? At the title screen nothing plays? during the game there is no ride music? For that you click on the ride and change the music to what you want for that ride.

What kinds of motion happen during a roller coaster ride?

go u noob

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Granville t woods roller coaster invention?

Granville T. Woods invented the roller coaster after he stole the idea from Abraham Lincoln in 1877. This was during the mesozoic era so the mostly dinosaurs went on them. It was more frequent for a Tyranosaurs rex (t-rex) to ride a roller coaster than a triceratops

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How do you stop roller coaster sikeness?

Eat less fatty foods, and drink plenty of water. Another great way is to breath slowly during the ride Roller Coasters are more forceful sitting nearer the back so try to get as near to the front as possible.

What is the kart called on a roller coaster?

The kart or car that is used on a roller coaster is typically called a "train" or "roller coaster train." The train is made up of multiple cars or "coaches" that are connected together and are designed to safely carry passengers around the track. The cars in the train can vary in size and shape depending on the type of roller coaster and the design of the track. They are usually equipped with safety features such as lap bars or shoulder harnesses to keep riders securely in their seats during the ride.

Why is a roller coaster variable motion?

Something that has variable motion travels different distances/ speed in equal periods of time. Going uphill, roller coasters are sort of slow but going downhill, the roller coaster starts to accelerate. The roller coaster takes the same track every time and only goes through it once so, it has equal time periods. By traveling at 2 different speeds during equal time periods, you have variable motion.