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Q: Is it possible to have oily skin on face but dry skin on body?
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Who can get oily skin?

ANSWER:Anyone can get oily skin. I can and so can you. Sweating makes our faces oily, so remember to wash your face every night. If you don't want a really oily face don't use hand or body lotions.ANSWER:If your family has a history of having oily skin, then there is a strong possibility that you, or the future generations in your family, also have oily skin as GENES is one of the factors for having oily skin.Another factor is STRESS. If you work in an a stressful environment or is often exposed in stressful conditions, then this could also trigger oily skin condition.For more information on oily skin, check the Sources and related links section below.

How do you decide which skin type you are?

Well, you really can't decide which skin type you are.. because nature has predetermined that for you:) - Does your face get oily, or shiny? *you have oily skin - Is your face dry or tight? * you have dry skin - Is your face oily in some parts but dry on others? *you have combination skin - Is your face red sometimes, little dry patches, sometimes itchy or irritable? * you have sensitive skin - If none of the above apply, you have NORMAL SKIN!!

How do you get rid of the shiny skin on your face?

Shiny skin means you have oily skin. Just wash your face morning and night and it will go away.

Does Clinique Dramatically Diffrent Moisturizing lotion make your face feel oily if you have a normal skin type?

No it should not make yuor skin oily.

What can you do to stop having oily skin?

You can't 'stop having oily skin'. Your skin is naturally oily, but there is something you can do. You can drink water. Drinking lots of water will lower the amount of oil in your body(skin).

How do you get oily skin?

You can't get rid of oily skin but you can control the amount of oil your body produces by drinking water. By drinking water you body won't produce as much oil to hydrate your skin.

What are the best skin cleansers for oily skin?

The best skin cleansers for oily skin are the cleansers that really dig deep inside pores and cause the face to get dry. Neutrogena has many cleansers like this.

What are some ways to deal with an oily face?

Oily faces are due to genetics. Some people have naturally oily skin throughout their whole life. It can be treated with oil absorbing products, as well as reduced with certain laser and light therapies.

Why are people with dark hair and oily skin more likely to get acne?

oily skin is so oily that when you wet your face it is so dry that it gets acme.a tipwhen you need help tell your mom to help you

Which is best face wash for oily skin?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best face wash for oily skin will vary depending on your individual skin type and concerns. However, some good options for face washes for oily skin include products that contain glycolic acid or other exfoliating ingredients to help slough away excess oil and Dead skin cells. You may also want to look

What does complexion mean?

State, or condition of the surface material. "You have oily complexion" would mean the individual has oily skin on the face. "The culprit was of medium complexion" would mean the individual was not of a solid black or white skin color.

Is pears soap good for skin?

Pears face wash is sls free. It is good for skin type oily to normal