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ir your a rtard then yeah

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Q: Is it possible to jump through a invisible hoop?
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How do you teach a dog to jump rope?

I think it is possible but you might have to have a pro dog trainer to do it. If you can not hire one you can just hold out a hoop for him to jump through. That is much easier .

How do you teach a dog to jump through a hoop?

Have someone with you at first, make sure your dog knows how to sit and stay. With the one person holding the hoop, have your dog sit and stay about three feet from the hoop, go to the other side of hoop, with a treat, and call your dog(make sure you start the hoop close to the ground, if he/she tries to go around the hoop say no, if your dog is too shy to jump through the hoop you can show he/she by going through the hoop yourself. Good luck!!!

How do you teach a betta to jump through a hoop?

well i would suggest getting the end of a pen and putting it in the water and if they touch it, give them a treat. do this daily. when they follow the pen, put the hoop in the water and the pen on the other side. hopefully they will swim through it. each day move the hoop a little higher until it is abbove the water, and again hopefully, it will jump through the hoop

Can you teach a ferret to flip?

I don't know if that's possible, since they don't naturally flip anyway. You can teach them to roll over. You can probably teach them to jump through a hoop

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What is the significance of Dali's 'Girl with Hoop'?

The Girl with a hoop is actually a jump rope; it's Alice from Alice in Wonderland!

What trix can the bottle nose dolphin do?

jump in the air into a hoop.

Does a dunk count if it hits the ring?

a dunk is a dunk as long as you jump to the hoop and slam the basket ball in the hoop if it misses then its not

Interesting and facts about servals?

Servals can jump the height of a basketball hoop.

Can you play Mario hoops 3 0n 3 on ds download play?

jump through the first 2 hoop and go over the third one

How do you go through the golden hoop on dogz 5 the Asian temple?

At first for me it was hard. You just have to be patient and hold the hoop in front of them. Usually the cats go in easily but the dogs will start knocking it down. If they do knock it down then spray them with the spray bottle. They'll start jumping around until they jump through it. (someone else) I found that if you spray them with bottle will training them for the hoop that they became angry and avoided the hoop. I would just be patients as the above person first suggested.

How do you play petz monkeyhouse?

* Click on the monkey. * Then there's a table in the upper left of the screen an click one of the options. * The hoop makes a hoop appear, your petz have to jump through it. * The plank makes a long table appear, your petz have to walk along it. (If they jump off just put them where they were.) * The table makes a table appear, your pet has to stay on it for an amount of time. * The sticks makes poles appear, your pet has to run through them.