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You can get a reliable test result 2 weeks after sex already.

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Q: Is it possible to know that you are pregnant if you undergo pregnancy test even if you are just one week delayed?
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3 weeks after is it mean you're pregnant?

you can't really say unless you undergo a pregnancy test because some women do have irregular menstrual cycle.

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When should you undergo pregnancy test?

Home pregnancy tests are considered reliable 14 to 16 days after having unprotected sex.

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Can pregnant woman undergo deworm during early pregnancy?

Its d 5th wk of my pregnancy n I hv really been very uncomfortable,spitting n throwing up constant! Feel like there's a worm down my throat! Can I take any worm expeller at this stage of my pregnancy?Yes she can.It's not a worm my dear, you have morning sickness and more saliva than normal which is typical for pregnant women. If you had worm you would have a itch in your rectum. If you need any type of medication you have to ask your doctor first but this is not a worm. In the link below you find another woman writing about it and her tips.

What three vitamins and minerals undergo the greatest percentage of increase duing pregnancy?

folic acid, iron, and calcium

Can you be pregnant if you were eight days late but have all the pregnancy symptoms?

If you are having a period, you aren't pregnant. I was late two months in a row for no reason, I wasn't pregnant. It just happens sometimes. Actually it IS possible to have a period and still be pregnant. Your bleeding would not actually be the egg releasing, but a shedding of your uterine lining, and you could still be pregnant. I asked my OBGYN this and she said it was possible to bleed and still be preggo. Im 19yrs old and my mom had her period the entire time she was pregnant with me. Probabbly wondering why there's a 19yr old guy on here arent ya? Because my ex g/f is 8 days late on her period and we had sex a week or 2 befor her period was due and now shes late.. Wanting answers!

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