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It is possible to make your own hot tub chemicals but not reccomended.As many are now coming out with no chemicals,they are the safest bet.You wouldn't want a chemical burn.

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3d ago

It is not recommended to make your own hot tub chemicals because improper mixtures can harm your skin, eyes, and the hot tub itself. It is best to use commercially available chemicals specifically designed for hot tub use to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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9y ago

Yes as long as it's not harmful.

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The smaller possible particle of gold that can exist is called?

The smallest possible particle of gold that can exist is called a gold atom. Gold atoms are the basic units that make up gold and can exist on their own or be part of larger structures.

How do autotrophic bacteria make food?

Some bacteria are autotrophs and make their own food. Autotrophic bacteria make food in one of two ways. Some capture and use the sun's energy as plants do. Others, such as bacteria that live deep in mud, do not use the sun's energy. Instead, these bacteria use the energy from chemicals substances in their environment to make their food.

Carpet cleaning machine chemicals?

Most carpet cleaning machines have a name brand version of their own cleaning chemical. Those are usually found in the same isle of a shopping center that the cleaners are. If that doesn't work, most cleaners can use a universal type of carpet cleaner. There are also chemicals you can put on the carpet before and simply run water through the machine.

Which are nonliving chemicals?

Examples of nonliving chemicals include water, salt, carbon dioxide, and minerals such as calcium and iron. These substances do not possess characteristics of living organisms such as growth, reproduction, or response to stimuli.

Is it possible to make silver from Mercury?

It's not possible for anyone who needs to ask the question.On a very small and limited scale nuclear engineers could hypothetically do so; they just need to induce the mercury nuclei to fission in precisely the right way. However, it would be much easier and cost much much less to just go out and buy silver instead. You could even offset the cost of the silver by SELLING the mercury.

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