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No because the S in AIDS does not show a quantity. AIDS stands for Aquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

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Q: Is it possible to only have one AID like the disease AIDS?
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Related questions

Who has squirrel aids?

There is no such thing as squirrel AIDS. AIDS is a disease that only humans develop.

Do most gay people have aids?

Only a minority of gay people have AIDS. AIDS is a disease EVERYONE has to worry about. AIDS is NOT a gay disease. Women can pass it on to women, men can give it to women, men can give it to men. Sex is NOT the only way to transmit the disease. It doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, bi, lesbian, transgendered, WHATEVER. YOU are still at risk for AIDS.

Can the penis contact of two teenagers lead to aids?

Answer Only if one of you has Aids or any other sexually transmitted disease. Keep it covered with a condom, that way you won't be worried if you have such a bad disease as Aids.

Can only black people get aids?

no. anyone can get hiv or aids it is a disease that passes sexual intercourse or sharing needles

How do you know if you are AIDS free?

The only way would be by a lab test. If you have been HIV positive, AIDS is the next stage in the disease.

How might a disease like AIDS affect immigration into a country if it is prevalent in the country of origin?

Answer AIDS affect only through physical contact of unsafe sexual intercourse, transfusion of blood, injections by impure and contaminated needles.

Why it is wrong to say AIDS caused death?

...It is not wrong. It does cause death. == Because AIDS caused disease, which caused death, so it is only indirectly responsible.

Do gay people want aids to make them feel like they have a baby inside?

AIDS does not have the ability to make one feel pregnant. It is only sickness. Gay people and bisexuals are just like any Heterosexual person and do not wish for the life threatening disease, AIDS. More straight people than gay people have AIDS, due to unprotected sexual intercourse or touching AIDs infected blood with an open cut upon the skin.

Does the A in aids need to be capitalized?

Yes, the 'A' in AIDS should be capitalized as it stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

How can HIV and AIDS be stopped?

Basically, HIV/AIDS can only be stopped if:A vaccine or medical cure is developed to either prevent the transmission of HIV or to cure those who already have itPeople change their behaviors and stop spreading the disease--whether deliberately or unknowingly.

Can you get aids from hugging?

The AIDS virus can indeed be found in saliva. However, the traces are minimal and the likelihood of contracting the disease is also minimal. In other words, yes but you'd almost have to try and make it a wet one.

Can AIDS attack the circulatory system?

No. The virus is HIV and the disease is AIDs. It only attacks the immune system but that causes the immune system from destroying other invaders that cause various opportunistic infections.