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No I would not because you are messing with nature.Why should you take such a beautiful meaning of love and a miracle away from itself. Your baby wont be a miracle if you choose the sex. The surprise and the gift of what you see when after giving birth is part of the experience of it all. I didnt want to know what the sex was, I made the nursery in a beautiful mint green and white, Beatrix Potter, Peter rabbit and waited happily for the doctor to tell me Mrs. & Mr. __ you have a beautiful baby boy. That feeling right their was so rewarding and exciting that I wouldn't change it for the world. Dont take the surpise and joy out of what should be a happy moment , is everything in your life going to be engineered, If so I feel bad for you for not getting to enjoy the spontenaity of life.


I posted this question as i was curious about peoples views on this particular subject, i am not considering doing it myself. I too would prefer a surprise but there are couples, one of which i know of, that have a trend on both sides of their families for having baby girls. If a couple has 4 children, all of which are girls, is it wrong for them to use advanced methods today to get a baby boy? Or should they miss out on that?

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

To a certain degree yes. An early 1970's issue of Reader's Digest comprehensibly, that is to say throughly, accurately and clearly, set forth all of the '"parameters"'.

Another has said: Off course it is possible. This is a knowledge which i think every couple should know. There is 100% possibilities to choose the gender of your baby. Of course this is by the will of GOD but this is bear in mind that knowledge is power and this knowledge is delivered from generations to generation by those who have this knowledge.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes they can

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Q: Is it possible to select the gender of your child?
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If you decided to have a child one day and are given the opportunity to select for special traits would you do so explain?

no. because god made you with your traits and you shouldn't change it

If father has blood type B positive and mother has blood type A negative what may be the blood type of the child and are there any possible problems possible for the child?

If the child is Rh positive, and it is the mother's second child, the mother's antibodies will attack the child's red blood cells when the blood becomes mixed during labor. An injection called RhoGAM will be administered to the mother right before delivery to prevent any attack of fetal red blood cells.

Is possible for a father type A and mother type O to have child type B?

Blood type A only has two phenotypes which are IAIA or IAi. For a blood type of B, you have to have IBIB or IBi. So it isn't possible.

How much the cost of gender selection?

The cost of gender selection can vary, but if you these guys can give you a price if you get in touch with them. I know they use the latest techniques for gender selection on both the female and male sides of the process. ------------------------------------------ Sex selection is legal in most of the world, yet it has limitations. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) screening is allowed in most countries to determine a genetic condition that the embryo might inherit. Yet specifically PGS (Gender Selection) is not allowed with the specific purpose of determining the sex of the child. The costs of PGD Gender Selection worldwide vary from 5,500 USD to 7,800 USD

What are the possible blood types for the parents of a A neg child?

A + ; A - ; Ab + ; Ab -; O- ; Any ONE parent may carry these, taking into account the possible masks of the target group

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Yes, it is. You can make a prediction about the gender of an unborn child and the gender is not even a number!

How to have a male child?

In general, it is not possible to determine the gender of a child before conception. Gender-specific abortion is illegal in most countries. The only way to be certain of having a male child is to adopt one.

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This is a controversial topic. Most would say parents should not be allowed to choose the gender of their child because it will lead to gender imbalance and abortions.

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Yes you can. To do so, take out your Sim's phone and select 'Call for Services'. Then, click 'Adoption Service'. Finally, select the gender and the age of the child you want. After that, you just need to wait.

What is the probability of a couple having four children in the following order girl girl girl boy?

It is not possible to answer the question because:the total number of children that the couple had is not known;the gender of the child depends [mainly] on the father, and is not 0.5;the gender of each child is not independent of the gender of previous children.

What is the opposite gender of child?

Child is not gender specific and may refer to either sex

Can you be 8 on roblox and be a girl?

You can select your birth date when you are registering and you can select your gender so of course..

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Not really. The gender of your child is set the day you get married.

Is it possible to select a PokΓ©mon's gender with a pokesav?

Yes,In the Pokemon edit screen look for AttributePress Create and choose between the ?'s.I think the first one is male and the other is female.

Can you pass urine test with child's pee?

If your child is of the same gender as you then yes it is possible. But for you to be stooping to that level is ridiculous. You might as well just use one of your friends urine that you know is clean. Why bring your child into your drug use? Honestly.

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A child's realization that gender is fixed and does not change over time

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